Jerzy Wójcik launched the board of directors of Gazeta Wyborcza Agora

According to our unofficial results The notification was delivered to Jerzy Wójcik on Tuesday afternoon. We obtained information from several independent sources in the editorial office. A source told us that Wojcic has been released under disciplinary measures.

employees “Gazeta Wyborcza” JW Editor-in-Chief Adam Michnick has reportedly been informed of Wojc’s dismissal. “We are in shock,” one person told us.

We have not been able to contact Jerzy Wójcik yet.

– We can only confirm that the employment contract with the current publishing director of “Gazeta Wyborcza” has been terminated today. Why and how to terminate cooperation with the publishing director is a matter between the publisher as an employer and an employee – Nina Grabow, Director of Corporate Communications at wages. – For legal reasons, that’s the only thing we can say on this matter – and she confirmed.

Dispute between Gazeta Wyborcza and the Agora . Board of Directors

On June 9, the Agora Board of Directors announced that it intends to combine the company’s press segment (mainly Gazeta Wyborcza and and the division into a single business area “to achieve the common goal of increasing digital subscriptions and advertising revenue from all regions of the world.” Agora sites. The company has begun reviewing its strategic options for online business. In an email to employees, management explains the movement as “business model conflicts” and “internal competition.”

Meanwhile, announcing the dismissal of Jerzy Wyborcza and the liquidation of a separate position for the publisher of “Gazeta Wyborcza”,

Title bosses and some journalists protested the planned merger and the dismissal of Jerzy Wojcic. 321 people signed the letter to journalists. Management sent a proposal to the Board of Directors to restore the relationship. He added that he wanted that connection, but it wasn’t “out of nowhere” and behind his back.

AGORA Board of Directors He replied that he was “surprised and worried”. Activities aimed at “deepening divisions” in the company. The management considered the address of the words of the Board of Directors as a threat and announced that it would not cooperate with Board member Agnieszka Sadowska, who in their opinion “secretly prepared an integration plan”.

One of the owners of Agora, Agora Holding She indicated in a letter to the staffIt wants to be a “guarantor of the security of both parties” in the integration process of and Sound also took over the management, opposing “the narrative of colleagues from Gazeta Wyborcza” and expressing astonishment at “attempts to influence the composition of the Agora SA board of directors and a desire to overcome the compromise initially proposed”.

Gazeta Wyborcza Editorial Board He stated that the merger of and could not take place “at the expense of the editorial teams”, that is, with layoffs. The board endorsed the headline’s assumptions, incl. Re-establish relations with the Agora Board of Directors.

The idea of ​​turning “Gazeta Wyborcza” into a separate company has been put on hold

In August, during the company’s presentation of the results of the second quarter of this year. It was emphasized that the Gazeta Wyborcza spin-off could not have been a subsidiary to change the ownership structure. Jerzy Wójcik, publisher of Gazeta Wyborcza, remains an employee of the company – the board confirmed.

– The process (integration of departments in Agora) has just begun, and it is likely to take about two months – said Anna Kreiska Godliuska, member of the Board of Directors of Agora. It added that it was “only a feasibility study” for the spin-off. We have to check if it is technically possible. This only applies to the “Gazeta Wyborcza” class within our structures. The company will remain the property of AGORA. She emphasized that it was not possible for spin-off companies to change the ownership structure of such a company.

Last Friday, the president of Agora, Bartosz Hojka Informed that work on the separation of “Gazeta Wyborcza” into a separate subsidiary has been suspended.

At the beginning of October Dissemination of selected materials from “Gazeta Wyborcza” on and on external websites has been discontinued under license agreements. The subscription model requires emphasizing the uniqueness of the brand that is maintained by the community around it. We should pay special attention to our content, created for you, and we cannot be distracted from our journalistic work – explained Jaroslav Korsky and Jerzy Wojcic, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “GW”.

Jerzy Wójcik in “Gazeta Wyborcza” for 28 years

Jerzy Wójcik assumed the position of publisher at Gazeta Wyborcza in the fall of 2016. He was responsible, inter alia, for the financial results of “GW” and the implementation of its strategic objectives, managed the work of the sales teams, the support departments, marketing and promotions as well as the editorial staff, as well as the local subsidiaries of “” GW”.

Jerzy Wójcik started working for GW in 1993. He established a daily newspaper branch in Zielona Góra and Gorzów. Then he served as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “Gazeta Stołeczna”, founder and editor-in-chief of “Metro” and Editor-in-chief of “Nowy Dzie”, a daily newspaper published by Agora in 2005/06. Since 2006, he headed the “Welcome to Poland” section. Such projects: Przystanek Europa, “Przystanek Polska”, “Wysokie Obcasy Extra”.

At the beginning of 2011, Wójcik became one of the deputy editor-in-chief of “GW”, replacing Piotr Pacewicz.

Agora’s Board of Directors wanted the disciplinary dismissal of the “Solidarity” chairman.

In October last year Agora’s Board of Directors intends to disciplinary off Wojciech Orlinsky, journalist at “Gazeta Wyborcza” and president of NSZZ “Solidarno”. The reason was supposed to be “abuse of position in the union, as well as abuse of social trust of the social partner and undermining of partnership and social dialogue” by distributing “offensive and exclusionary comments” to union members. In Ewa Zajek’s newsletter, the new Director of Personnel Affairs.

The unionists protested. It was also created in defense of Orliński A letter of protest signed by nearly a hundred journalists, publicists, directors, cultural and political figures. last wages Withdrawing from the intention of his dismissal, he agreed with Orliński on principles of cooperation with the board of directors.

Finally, Wojciech Orliński in February this year. He announced that after 24 years of work saying goodbye to “Gazeta Wyborcza”, he decided to work as a teacher.. – I was inspired by Jerzy Sosnowski, who was expelled from the Troika for his union activities. He won in court—a union can’t lose such a lawsuit unless he passed a deadline—but he’s not back on the air. Became a teacher – Orliński explained.

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