Katarzyna Dubor poses with her 22-year-old daughter on the cover of Forbes Women’s Magazine.  Fans: What a mother, such a daughter

Katarzyna Dubor Recently worm for your Instagram Photo from a session she was taking with her 22-year-old daughter, Maria. Then she did not reveal which project they are involved in. It turns out that they starred in Forbes Women. The journalist praised the effects of the photo session with the younger offspring, which made Internet users happy. Fans showered both Katarzina and her daughter.

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Katarzina Dubor and her daughter Maria on the cover of “Forbes Women”

Katarzyna Dubor is a mother of two children children. Massej Dubourg He followed in the footsteps of a famous mother and linked his career to the media. His half-sister Maria is still studying, but that doesn’t mean that Catarzina doesn’t brag about her daughter on social media. A photo of her with Maria appeared on Instagram. They both wear white clothes. Catarzina wears an airy T-shirt with cut-outs on the shoulders, and Maria wears a dress with ruffles. The 22-year-old hugs her mother, and Katarzina smiles brightly.

Together they gave an interview in which they talked about the generational difference. This is not the first time that the host “Our new home” She appears with her daughter on the cover of the magazine.

Darling, I recommend you the latest issue of forbeswomenpolska magazine. A chat with me and my daughter Marcia and our lovely photo session! Do you like the cover? asked the journalist.

There was no end to the glee in the comments. Internet users admitted that they see a similarity between Catarzina and her daughter, although Maria, according to them, is the eldest father.

What a mother, such a daughter

Somewhat similar to the mother, but like most daughters to the father.

But Marcia has grown into a beautiful woman, as beautiful as her mother – we read.

Anna LewandowskaAnna Lewandowska in a chic bathing suit. Bought it at Zara.

Katarzyna Dobor gave birth to a daughter at the age of forty. The daughter is the fruit of the journalist’s informal relationship with Jerzy Bacchinsky, editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper “Polityka”. Maria is studying at Durham University in Great Britain. He studies philosophy and psychology. How do you like the cover?

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