KRRiT kara Psy sexy movie Zoom TV Stopklatka Grupa Kino Polska TV Profanity

In mid-December, the head of the National Broadcasting Council, Maciej Šwerski, imposed 20,000 on the broadcaster of the Stopclatka channel. PLN fine. The regulator has reported a breach of Section 18 of the Broadcasting Act in relation to, among other things, qualifying broadcasts or other messages that may have an adverse effect on the sound physical, mental or moral development of minors.

“Dogs” was broadcasted on Stopklatki on March 30, 2022 at 20. Rated as available from the age of 16, the National Broadcasting Board believes that productions with scenes of brutal violence should only be intended for adult viewers.

“Emissions adjusted to applicable regulations”

Despite the penalty, Zoom TV, part of the same group, broadcast ‘Dogs’ on Saturdays at 8.45pm. To the viewers’ surprise, the profanity characteristic of this production was muted. So the sound in many scenes was unnatural.

– In Zoom TV, “Psy” is presented with the age group 16+, so the film’s broadcast must be adapted to the legal regulations in force – informs the press office of Kino Polska TV.

“Psy” is a Polish action movie from 1992. You can see Bogusław Linda, Janusz Gajos, Cezary Pazura and Marek Kondrat in it for example. He tells the story of a former security officer who starts working in the police. He takes part in an operation against an international criminal group, during which three policemen are killed. Franz Maurer suspects that former SB officers are behind this and vows revenge. The award-winning and appreciated photo is known for its profanity.

Kino Polska TV has already won once in court against the National Broadcasting Board

In September 2021, the National Broadcasting Council in the previous chapter imposed a fine on Zoom TV for broadcasting the British version of “The Magic of Nudity”. 20 thousand The fine was imposed for broadcasting the episode after 11 pm, that is, at a time when only adult content can be broadcast.

– In the opinion of the Authority, the publication of the program in question violates the standards related to the content of the programs (defined in Article 18 (1) of the Broadcasting Law, i.e. the prohibition of promoting positions and opinions contrary to morals and social good), in particular due to the presentation of scenes and content that depict women and men as sexual objects , and thus violates the human dignity of both sexes, Teresa Briczynska, spokeswoman for KRRiT, explained to the portal at the time.

At that time, Kino Polska TV Group appealed to the court. – The broadcaster appealed the fine decision issued on August 16, 2021. The ruling of the Warsaw District Court on February 22, 2022 overturned the decision of the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council to impose a fine on the broadcaster. KRRiT appealed against the aforementioned ruling of the Supreme Court in Warsaw; The main objection to the appeal: failure to recognize the merits of the case – Brykczyńska reported from the National Broadcasting Council. In November of this year President Schwerski imposed another sanction on the British version of the “magic of nudity”. This time in the amount of 40 thousand. zlotys. The company did not disclose whether it also appealed the regulator’s decision in this case.

Zoom TV had 0.55% in 2022. Market share among DTT consumers only. The station is part of MUX-8.

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