Krzyszof Stanowski Zero Youtube channel schedule that will perform

Krzysztof Stanowski announced on Tuesday the launch of a YouTube channel under the pseudonym @KanalZeroPL. He encouraged me to participate in it.

– Good morning, I would like to politely ask you to leave a branch on Channel Zero. This isn’t my solo career, but it’s the biggest project I’ve ever imagined. And definitely the one that excites me the most. There will be a lot of great people involved. There will be time for details. However, your subscriptions will help me create the right momentum and facilitate conversations with sponsors. So, if you know someone who likes to watch me, you can also request such a post on my behalf. Thank you in advance – he wrote on X/Twitter. On Saturday evening, Channel Zero had more than 200,000 views. Subscription.

– new project. Launch planned for February 1, 2024 – we read in the description of Channel Zero. For several years, Stanovski ran the “Journalism Zero” series on the Sportowy channel, where he humorously commented on various events outside the world of sports. This summer in several much longer episodes, detailing how celebrity Natalia Janozik shaped her Bollywood career.

Krzysztof Stanowski also announced on Instagram that she will be one of several creators on the new channel. -This is not my solo career, but the biggest project I have ever imagined. And definitely the one that excites me the most. There will be a lot of great people involved. There will be time for more details, he said.

Wandzel in the sports channel

Krzysztof Stanowski, through Wełości TV, owns a quarter of Kanał Sportowy’s shares. The remaining shares are owned by Michał Pol, Tomasz Smokowski (who is also the company’s agent) and Mateusz Borek. Stanovsky has long remained silent about maintaining his package.

However, according to information provided to the portal by Michał Pol, Stanowski (more precisely: WeszloTV) will remain a shareholder of Channel Sportowy: – Nothing changes here – Pol confirmed. Eventually, Krzysztof Stanowski sold the shares to Maciej Wandzl, former co-owner of Legia Warszawa.

Borek attacks, Stanovsky responds

Last Sunday, on the program “Hajt Park”, the remaining owners of the channel spoke about Stanovsky’s departure from the sports channel. Mateusz Borek expressed his strongest words.

– This is childish. Delete the description from Twitter or Instagram. I had a conversation with Krzycek (…) We were supposed to set some border conditions and the date and announcement of leaving the canal. Krzysiek scheduled an appointment with me on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. On Friday, when I recorded the last Mazurka, which was not broadcast, and was paid for but not broadcast, I did it myself [Stanowski] He published a statement, revealing Boric.

-I don’t want to beat around the bush, because I always speak simply, honestly and sincerely. We did not agree on whether this material should be broadcast or not – the journalist said about the October episode of the program “Mazurek i Stanowski”, which was recorded shortly before the parliamentary elections. – And I am not talking before the elections. However, I was in favor of airing it after the election, so that people could see what Krzysztof Stanovski and Robert Mazurek came up with in this episode – said Mateusz Borek. Why was he protesting?

– Various information has been received about people lying, screaming, and other things. I was on board with the idea that if someone takes responsibility for this material, if someone gets paid for this material, why wouldn’t they broadcast it? We have made a joint decision, because the votes in our country are decisive. She lost this vote by one vote to three – and Mateusz Borek explained why the material was not broadcast.

In a recording published on Friday afternoon, Krzysztof Stanovski explained why he decided to leave Canal Sportuy. He noted, among other things: a dispute with the remaining partners, mainly Mateusz Boric. He also said, among other things, that he did not agree with the method of accounting for work results in place at the channel and under what circumstances his mother would be dismissed. He admitted that he wanted to buy the shares from Borek, but Borek was not interested. Then he wanted to sell his shares to the partners, but they did not accept his offer. He confirmed that he is waiting for the broadcast of the final episode of the program “Mazurek-Stanovsky”, for which Burek appealed.

The current co-owners of Sportowy responded a few hours later on a programme. “We came to the conclusion that it is better to be silent at some point than to talk too much,” said Thomas Smokowski. – I don’t want to create an unnecessary spiral, added Mateusz Boric.

What’s next for the Sports Channel and Krzysztof Stanovski?

After exchanging media blows, many are wondering: What’s next for the sports channel and Krzysztof Stanovski? Burek, Smokowski and Paul declared that they just wanted to look to the future. Stanovsky also said he did not want to return — unless forced — to the subject of secession from Kansas.

– I don’t know what’s happening today on the sports channel and what Krzysztof Stanovski’s plans are, and I don’t usually comment on gossip. I respect the declaration of Michel Paul, who once told Wirtualne Media that he had not felt like a sports journalist for years: that he had become a YouTuber and that he preferred the term infotainment to journalism. For me, everything is clear here: I watch an entertainment program, but during it I sometimes hear interesting comments and analyzes of people I know who practice high-quality journalism, – says Michal Okonski, publicist of the national network, in an interview with section “Tygodnik Powszechny (He specializes in football, about which he has written two books, but also in Polish-Jewish relations.)

Is Krzysztof Stanovski’s departure from the sports channel not a big surprise?’s Kacper Sosnowski admits: “I have had this idea in my mind many times about how long these four powerful personalities will be able to work together, when more funds or new projects will be activated, and when the sports channel itself will develop significantly. Especially “I have had the opportunity to collaborate for several years With Krzysztof Stanovski and I remember his approach. He always preferred to be the helm, the sailors, and his own ship. This was also his career.”

Sosnowski previously worked, among others, on TVN 24 or Orange Sport. Like many journalists in the market, he has followed Stanovsky’s career. – Sometime around his 25th birthday, after leaving “Przegląd Sportowy” and several other newspapers, he had the ambitious idea of ​​trying to start his own business. The Weśle Gate has appeared. It is quite a comfortable situation for a journalist to create his own content and be his own boss in his organization. Upon joining Kanał Sportowy, Krzysztof Stanowski decided to collaborate with three other colleagues. He joined this project at a time when Mateusz Borek and Michal Bull had a generally stronger position in the sports journalism market – at least in terms of recognition. Their social media alone was twice as large as Stanovsky’s, with more than half a million recipients. It seems to me that for each of the four it was a good opportunity to combine their strengths, knowledge, reach and financial possibilities – Sosnowski says in an interview with

They joined forces, and today they are moving in their own direction

Money was also important here, because creating an online TV project requires financial expenses. Krzysztof Stanowski also faced this problem when founding Wezzo. He didn’t start producing video or radio right away. These were later projects, and he started with an electronic portal. He has already collaborated with Orange Sport, among others, and then with Eleven Sports, where, with the participation of others, he implemented and created certain television projects, transferring the production to those with the technical background. However, the broader his activities, the greater his opportunities. In addition, let us remember the development of technology. About a dozen years ago, creating software required greater resources and was more expensive than other knowledge. Today, creating a program is not in outer space, and some solutions in the field of online production are available to a wide range of creators – emphasizes Kacper Sosnowski.

The development of the YouTube platform has enabled many sports journalists to work under completely different conditions compared to the past, when they were more tied to specific editorial offices or television stations.

– When the founders of the sports channel joined, I thought it was a good and smart move for each of them. After a few years, it turned out that Krzysztof Stanovski, who was dealing not only with sports, but also with social and competitive topics, had entered other fields, which gave him a new scope as well. He became confident that he could do what he was doing on the sports channel in any way he wanted and benefit from it himself. I don’t know what ultimately led to the separation of the four journalists, but it is likely that Krzysztof was doing well, as usual, at his own work. This is shown through the appearances of films and programs with his participation. I’m also pretty sure the sports channel will still be able to handle a different lineup of staff – Kacper Sosnowski ends.

The sports channel, which has been operating since spring 2020, has 1.12 million subscribers on its main YouTube channel, and the 4.3 million articles published there have received more than 665 million views.

Last year, Sportowy doubled its revenue to PLN 24.07 million, and its net profit increased from PLN 1.6 million to PLN 5.57 million. It paid a dividend of PLN 4 million to shareholders.

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