This is one of the most popular films of the 78’se Venice Film Festival. Outside the competition as a world release, Hill – Part One, Denise Villeneuve, was the big event on Friday. With reason.
As the final credits rolled, the Oval began. Seven more minutes went by. Privileged people who were able to get a seat for the gala screening Hill – Part One Salah Grond, one of the most popular at the festival, gave a hearty applause to the entire cast, especially the Quebec filmmaker.
Joined Press Two hours after the screening was over, Denise Villeneuve was relaxed and happy. “I wanted to show this film to the public for so long! There, we had a very warm welcome. I was also happy to share this moment with a lot of the actors in the film – 10 of them came! At a festival, it is very rare to combine so many Hollywood stars around a single film. Then welcome to Timothy.” [Chalamet] And Zentaya. In fact, I lived this day as a celebration and I couldn’t hear much. This is a great relief. I will sleep well tonight [vendredi] ! ⁇
Great expression
Say it Hill One of the most anticipated films of this year was obviously. At 7:15 a.m. Friday, the river flow from San Marco Square to Lido to the festival – about 20 minutes later – had to exceed the number of passengers. As security measures around the festival site are tight, it is important to allow a little more time for a screening. Reporters certainly do not want to miss the screening Hill For the international press, scheduled for 8:15 a.m., there was already a long queue, made up of critics with precious tickets, which, despite halving the capacity, stretched to enter Sala Grante.
This excitement was also felt later as the team participated in a press conference training. Surrounded by Denise Villeneuve, Timothy Salamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Javier Barthem, Gentaia, Oscar Isaac and Josh Brolin. With a joker and a smile, the Quebec filmmaker reaffirmed his unwavering loyalty on the big screen.
“Time is hard, public safety comes first,” he said with the most beautiful English accent in the Trois-Riviers. “But if they feel comfortable, I encourage people to go and see Hill In the theater. It was dreamed, designed and shot with the IMAX format in mind. Watching a movie on a big screen is almost a physical experience and we wanted to provide a much deeper experience. For me, big screen cinema is part of the language. ”
Timothy, Superstar
Apparently his actors share a bond with the directorFire, The film, which was launched in Mostra in 2010, was humorous by provoking the greatest difficulty it had to face: Timothy Salamet’s hair. “They have their own lives!”, He began.
Very seriously, the filmmaker explained that the audience who did not know the story of Frank Herbert’s novel wanted to find a balance so that they would not drink too much information and lose anything from the story. So for that he relied on the language of cinema.
“This novel is very relevant today because it stimulates the dangers that arise when you mix politics and religion. He also talks about the impact of colonialism without forgetting the context. This book has always stayed with me, but over the years it has grown even more. It is time to make real changes. We have to do it. I’m still hopeful, but we need to take action now. There’s an election campaign in Canada right now, and no one is talking about the environment.
Photo by Dominico Stenellis, attached pressure
Throughout the day, Timothy Solomon and Denise Villeneuve showed an honest bond.
Timothy Salamet, who answered our colleagues’ question in French on Radio Canada in French, expressed his respect for Kyle McLachlan, the translator of Paul Adritis in the 1984 edition of David Lynch – he saw the show two months ago and began filming.
“But when Denise is asked to star in his film, his version, you forget everything, and you immerse yourself wholeheartedly in the service of his script. This character is a lifelong honor to me, he added. Being able to shoot this first part is already a dream come true. I dream of doing a second! ”
Along the way, Timothy Solomon and Gentaya caused a stir among fans everywhere they went. At the festival site, we can practically tell where they are by following the screams they make as they pass by. The funny thing is that these fans have found a place to see their statues, while for health reasons, the authorities have closed practically all accesses to avoid visitors.
“Today we were able to capture the level of public love for Timothy and Gentaya, how involved they are. Timothy even went out of his way to meet the public!”
Photo by Joel C. Ryan, attached pressure
How many stars have they been to the red carpet with Denise Villeneuve? Here are 10 of them: Javier Barthem, Zentaya, Stellen Scorskard, Chang Chen, Oscar Isaac, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Timothy Solmet, Rebecca Ferguson, Dave Batista and Josh Brolin.
Positive critical reception and diverse voices
Once the ban was lifted, views flooded social networks, most of which were highly positive. Defender, In London, even assigned a 5-star rating. A few reference media, Variety And The Hollywood Reporter In particular, some reservations have been revealed, while on the special site Indiever, it is blatantly referred to as a “massive disappointment”. At the time of this writing, it is due to the accumulation of rotten tomatoes Hill Important rating 85%, 27 reviews identified. This is still a good omen.
“Pop culture practitioner. Award-winning tv junkie. Creator. Devoted food geek. Twitter lover. Beer enthusiast.”