Karin Idol, a member of Mike Baha’s team, was featured in the latest edition.Voice Peru“And” Digimon “surprised the coaches by performing a” butterfly “show from the animate.
The young participant’s music number was good until he ended up pushing the floor in the middle of a live show.
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Despite her downfall, Karin Idol continued with her music number, but was eventually removed from the Latina show for failing to garner public votes.
Coach Eva Aylan did not mention the participant’s stumble. On the contrary, Creole praised Karin’s sculptural prowess in representing the Otaku culture.
“The memory of watching animation here and there with my kids excites me. I’m glad to hear these songs that reflect this wonderful world.” Commented.
See also “La Vos Pere”: Oriana Montero stopped her live presentation and created a strong debate [VIDEO]

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