Laura Fabian presents him with a special gift after Audrey-Louise leaves

At Gino Chouinard and his collaborator Sabrina Cournoyer Hello HelloLaura Fabian, director of the academy, addressed educators during a trip to Sugar Shake during the broadcast and shared the incredible gift she gave to Audrey-Louise on Wednesday. Star Academy.

Joel Lemme / QMI Agency

Read more: The day after she leaves Star Academy, Audrey-Lewis reacts

Read more: Laura Fabian justifies the authors’ decision to expel Audrey-Louise

Gino and Sabrina have shared a small excerpt from the daily airing tonight, which will include news about Audrey-Louise.

In fact, he followed the controversial deviation Star Academy, Academics wanted the message that everyone expects for the success of this edition. Laura was also very disappointed in her departure and wanted to convey the best news for her.

“I’ve been talking to Audrey-Louise every day since Sunday, and she’s fine,” he promised.

Later, the 23-year-old mother would have gone further with the brilliant words uttered by her former director.

“You know Laura, life is good. If my adventure is stopped at that time, there may be a real reason for it, ”she replied.

His words could not have been more appropriate as Laura revealed the incredible gift he would give to Audrey-Louise.

“So I invited her to all my shows [Théâtre] Maisonneuve and Videotron Center. She will be by my side to sing with me, ”she declared to her little hearts.

What an incredible gift for this artist who is already admired by the public! There is no doubt that this gift will balm his unexpected exit from the academy.

Read more: Audrey-Louis’ departure creates shock on social media

Read more: Audrey-Louise and Krystel are watched by their children at the academy

This is the beginning of a new great adventure for Audrey-Louis. She would not have lost everything as Gino said well at the end of this extract. Also, in an interview with Gino on Monday, Audrey-Louis believed the day after he left. Here is what she has to say.

Watch the full episode of Laura announcing to her educators on the Sugar Shake broadcast Hello Hello In the video above the article.

Stay tuned 24/7 with our educators.

Do not miss the daily Star AcademyMonday through Thursday, 7:30 pm on TVA, or catch-up VAT +.

See also: All the big stars who have sung with academics for years

See also: 28 Quebec stars who won in France

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