LCN and TVA: This is the end of the “Denise Lewesk” show

This is the end of an era on TVA and LCN: Denise Lewesk will host her last show on May 19, ending a 16-year daily presence on both channels.

The host made the announcement on Wednesday evening, talking about the “privilege” of occupying the site, which has 3,000 episodes on the clock.

This carefully considered result is particularly linked to the COVID-19 epidemic, which imposes virtual interviews and many other technical issues that no longer welcome guests into the studio. All of this, we realize in the interview, weighs the curiosity of the 63-year-old communicator, not to mention the redundancy of subjects related to the virus.

“We are proud to be a show with a wide range of interests,” he told the QMI agency. Denise Lewesk Posting headlines every quarter of an hour was one of the first abandoned LCN shows.

“For the past two years, I have had analysts and experts to talk to [la] Govt, nothing else. Now it is war in Ukraine, ”he added, despite knowing the significance of these issues.

“We renewed ourselves from one season to another. With the epidemic, it was very difficult to rediscover myself, and I decided it was not my show to rediscover myself, it was me.

Although he is tired and eager to make the most of his “seasonal vacation” in Europe this fall with his fellow journalist Pascal Wilhelmie, Denise Lewesk says she is in good shape and already has problems with occupational arthritis.

Knowing that the body would suddenly leave us, he says he also thought about the lifestyle he would like for the next few years. He cites Guy Laughler and Mike Passy, ​​who died in succession in recent weeks, and two friends who died just days before Christmas. “It makes you think.”

No leisure and background interviews

Unlike his friend and colleague Pierre Bruneau, he recently announced his retirement as announcer. VAT News, Denise Lewesk does not want to leave work, and wants to continue to conduct human and multidisciplinary interviews on television. But it will no longer be seven days a week and 365 days a year, thanks to retakes.

“Deciding to leave is big, but announcing it is even bigger, I think. Rock [Bruneau] He came to see me in my office after I announced it, and he looked like he weighed less than 1000 pounds on the shoulder.

For 25And LCN’s anniversary – the channel has aired since September 8, 1997 – Denise Lewesk will conduct 25 in – depth interviews with news makers over the past quarter century. We can think of the winter blizzard of 1998 or the September 11, 2001 attacks. He will record some performances before leaving for Europe and then finish training when he returns.

Once on vacation, he may follow his friend and write a book, otherwise the two partners have plans together and, among other things, take away a touching documentary about Jean Lobier.

“I open the door to the universe for new projects. We also have the idea for a documentary series,” he said.

He acknowledges that there is a pinch in the heart of all the believers who will be at the meeting of his show, and later in the evening, the technicians and directors. He also thinks about his desk manager Bruno Genes, with whom he worked for 20 years. “It’s sure to be packed, and the exit is emotional. I’ve worked with Bruno for 20 years. Replace the egoWe do it together.

Finally, he knew he would be “emotional.” “We’ve going to do a special with guests who are familiar to the audience, and there will be archival scenes.”

Do not miss the latest broadcast Denise LeweskThursday, May 19 at 8pm, on LCN.

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