Legia.Net – Legia Warszawa – Alessio De Petrillo: The most important thing was to win

– This is a game where the most important thing was to score three points, which I did. In fact, we are doing worse in the first league than in the Europa League, but we can blame the lack of strength, which results from the fact that we practically play for more than two months every three days, training. This makes it difficult to recharge the batteries – said Alessio Di Petrillo, assistant coach Czeslaw Michnijevic after the competition with Jornik Czna (3:1).

Being a coach in the match against Guernick was not new to me, because I held this position for 20 years. This is wonderful. As assistant coach Michniewicz, I feel very good because the coach gives me space. I don’t miss anything here.

– In fact, we played slower than usual. But I repeat that when the head is occupied with something else, it is also difficult to get more involved. Three bouts during the rest period? There was no balance we were trying to find. Since Andre Martins wasn’t there, we tried Ihor Karaten. It was all due to the need to restore balance.

– Coach Michniewicz will certainly analyze the match with Górnik, as he does every time. In fact, changes are necessary to be able to conserve energy and strength. In the near future we will play with Wijri, Rako, then Leicester and Licia in Gdansk. We have new players giving us the opportunity to change, but it takes time to deploy them and for everything to work properly.

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