Les Cowboys Fringants at the premiere of “Pub Royale” in Paris: Another big wave of love

PARIS — It was beautiful, warm and moving: Five months after the death of Carl Tremblay, unconditional fans of Cowboys Fringes in France were finally able to shout their love for Marie-Annique Lepin, Jean-Francois Basset and Jerome Dubras, Friday evening, at the Paris premiere of the musical. when Pub Royal.

• Read more: Admirers of Cowboys Fringeants: They come from all over France for the “Pub Royale”

They didn't lose it themselves.

As the cowboys arrived at the Grand Rex, discreetly through a side door, before the curtain rose, the audience jumped to their feet to cheer them on.

“It's super cool. They were always so hot over the years. It was arbitrary. We didn't expect that,” Jean-Francois Basse said during a brief interview Newspaper returns to his place.

Emus, Jerome Dubras, Jean-Francois Basset and Marie-Annique Lepin on Friday in Paris

Jean-François Pauzé and Culture Minister Mathieu Lacombe shake hands before the event.

Photo by Cédric Bélanger/Le Journal de Québec

A long ovation

He saw nothing.

When they took the stage with their children to greet the crowd after the last notes of the classic CometsThe applause that the public has already reserved for artists Pub Royal As much as Les Cowboys Fringants has gotten in Quebec over the past year, it has redoubled its interest and turned it into another pretty big wave of love.

For long minutes, the group's devoted French fans applauded wildly as if they would never let go.

Even once everyone was backstage, the crowd continued to chant and call for their cowboys.

Strong reactions

The reunion was hot during the show, where every song and reference to the cowboys' fringe world evoked strong reactions.

For example, when a character identified herself as La Catherine, the crowd applauded.

They expressed their joy when they heard the imperative America is crying Or during a spectacular dance Crossing (Atlantic in 1774), This opens the second act.

“I screamed”

New Song, as in Quebec Let it show wellIt evokes the inevitable end of Carl Tremblay and Martin Giroux performs brilliantly and with just the right amount of emotion, leaving no one indifferent.

Emus, Jerome Dubras, Jean-Francois Basset and Marie-Annique Lepin on Friday in Paris

Frédéric Gultner-Monnier, with his Hector shake sweater, and his girlfriend Emilie, fans from Paris.

Photo by Cédric Bélanger/Le Journal de Québec

“As they were going back home, I was sure I was going to scream, but not too much,” said Frederick Gultner-Monier, a Cowboys lover who was crying before the game even started. Newspaper Met him on arrival at Grand Rex.

Fabian Rio from Brittany was also upset. “I'm having a hard time getting over it,” he admits, after leaving Grand Rex.

Emus, Jerome Dubras, Jean-Francois Basset and Marie-Annique Lepin on Friday in Paris

Bruno Gadoret and Fabian Rio, two fans of the group, got to know each other before Grand Rex.

Photo by Cédric Bélanger/Le Journal de Québec

“It was incredible. The perfect combination of all possible emotions, an extraordinary stage, singing, dancing, Storytelling, the circus. Truly, I had a magical evening.

“People around me were unanimous, and we've never seen so much poetry in a musical, Les Cowboys Fringants aside,” said Mr. Ryo continued.

In short, a win!

  • Saturday and Sunday are the other four shows on this short but emotional journey from France Pub Royal Allow thousands of other followers of the group to see it.

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