Level 2 Storm Warning

The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMiGW) has issued a Level 2 weather warning for the Limanoa area regarding storms. The forecast indicates the possibility of severe storms with very heavy rainfall, strong winds and local hail. Details of the warning are below.

Weather Warning: Thunderstorms

degree: 2

Probably: 80%

turn: Thunderstorms are expected with heavy rainfall of 30 to 40 mm and wind gusts of up to 80 km/h. Locally, hail is also possible.

comments: loss.


from: 2024-07-24 10:00

Do: 2024-07-24 20:00

Recommendations for residents

  • protection: Avoid going outside during a storm. If possible, stay in a safe place.
  • Property Security: Make sure all loose items around your home are secured. Strong winds can cause property damage.
  • Avoid travel: If not necessary, avoid driving during a storm. Gusty winds and heavy rain can significantly reduce visibility and make driving difficult.

The article was prepared on the basis of the IMiGW announcement.

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