Liters of gasoline Pb95 for PLN 6.19 for Orlen.  Obajtek promised less than PLN 6 per liter.  Not achieved

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“Register in Legnica until 6.49 PLN / liter of gasoline and diesel! Where is Prime Minister Kaczyński, who ran a few years ago with a can, promising lower production tax and lower fuel prices?

Ask the politician on Twitter civic platform Peter Boris. In the picture attached to the tweet, you can see the station tower Orlin In Legnica at fuel prices.

As we can see in the photo, the price of Pb95 fuel and regular diesel is 6.19 PLN per liter, while the price of a liter of high-octane Verva fuel is 6.49 PLN for both gasoline and diesel engines.

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Fuel prices have skyrocketed. Will it exceed 6 PLN per liter?

Fuel is expensive in Poland . portalAnd Which monitors petrol prices at stations in Poland, has published a list of stations with the highest prices for Pb95 petrol. Among them is the BP station in Żarska Wieś, where liters gasoline 95 octane costs 7.29 PLN per liter. There are stations and cities where we pay a lot too, incl. Auchan in Lublin – PLN 6.53 or Circle K in Krotoszyn – PLN 6.25.

Matthew MoravekiMorawiecki on gasoline prices: in 2012, you can buy twice as many liters

The forecast of the average fuel price of for this week is as follows:

  • Pb98 PLN 6.10-6.25;
  • Pb95 zlotys 5.90-6.03;
  • on 5.90-6.03 zlotys;
  • LPG 3.11-3.20 PLN.

Obajtek: we are trying to keep basic fuel prices below PLN 6

PKN Chief Orlen Daniel Obajtik He declared that the concern is doing its best to ensure that the cost of base fuel is less than six zlotys per liter at the stations. During his visit to Lithuania, Daniel Obajtek told reporters that the company is not taking advantage of the situation related to high fuel prices in Europe.

It is not in the interest of the PKN to take advantage of the state of the market. We try to stabilize it through diversification and improvement so that our actions lead to price stability at the stations

– He said.

fuel prices.  Obajtek: Orlen does everything to make base fuel cost less than PLN 6 per literfuel prices. Obajtek: Orlen does everything to make base fuel cost less than PLN 6 per liter

He added that the base fuel should be less than 6 PLN per liter. The president emphasized that Orlin could not sell fuel at negative margins, as this, in his opinion, would undermine the company’s position and stability.

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