Lots of money invested by PZPN.  The union can afford a recognized coach

These bonds are supposed to be the union’s greatest financial strength, and at the same time an entirely effective means of defense against rampant inflation. Of course, this state has also been greatly affected by the return to the standards we are used to before the epidemic. in a 2020 PZPN on tickets and the so-called. “Hospitality” related to national team matches earned less than PLN 1.8 million, compared to more than PLN 38.5 million in the previous year. Everything, of course, has to do with the easing of restrictions and the possibility of stadiums being filled to the last place again.

PZPN has great resources and wants to use them

According to information from “PS”, this situation should cause the union authorities to have a very vigorous discussion regarding the use of these funds when selecting a new coach. If that happens, PZPN will be able to shatter its salary record for a coach without risking an overextended straitjacket of its finances. He was supposed to earn about 900 thousand euros a year Paolo Souzaand was supposed to count on similar funds after qualifying for Euro 2008 Leo Benhackeralthough in the case of the Dutchman, of course, one must take into account the time that has passed since his work with the Polish national team (the Dutchman took over the team in 2006).

In case Czeslav Michniewich It is said to be in the range of just under 500,000 euros. There are many indications that if Cesare Colizza finally decides to change coach and bet on a foreign coach with recognized status, he will have to consider spending at least 2 million euros per year. An additional argument for such a decision is the fact that it is difficult to find a candidate among the Polish coaches who would meet the requirements of the federation, that is, improve the quality of the team’s game and at the same time the authority with which he would convince the most important players.

Michniewicz’s contract runs through the end of 2022, but before it expires, information on whether he will remain in the position will also be provided next year. Polish representation On March 24, an away match against Czech He will start qualifying for UEFA Euro 2024. Three days later, he will play “Piao Zerony” in Warsaw with Albania.

Jarosław Królewski and Tomasz Jażdżyński during Christmas Eve in Wisła Kraków. video//Peter Gower//INTERIA.TV

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