Love Island.  During the evening, the administrator will say “I love you.”  Viewers: Mio.  from middle school

program finallove islandIt is fast approaching. The winners of the fourth edition of Polsat will be announced next Sunday. Meanwhile, on Friday’s episode love island It became very romantic. No wonder, it was an evening of confessions after all.

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Matthews and Caroline pick favorites for the fourth edition of ‘Love Island’

HP. Nana delighted viewers with her exotic beauty and a storm of curls, but she didn’t look like that anymore.

Love Island. On the evening of the confessions, the official fell “I love you”. Audience: love. from middle school

participants”love island“After spending days together in a mixture of love, we were finally able to admit how they really feel about each other.

I love talking to you and being silent. I love you and will always be yours alone – Magda heard from Wiktor.

I fell in love with you and my dream is to love you every day – admitted Andrzej, who is paired with Paulina.

I was losing hope with each passing day, and then I showed up. Thank you, I found my purpose in life. Armando admitted, I want to say one more thing – I love you.

see also: Love Island. There aren’t many old photos on Alexander’s Instagram, but Facebook is a pearl mine. It looked different at once

What do viewers say to these confessions? Opinions are divided as usual, because not everyone believed the beautiful words. Traditionally, a discussion broke out on Instagram who should win the program.

Armando and Andre must win. Honest and cool guys. The girls in this edition, unfortunately, are expressionless.

I understand the couple because they’ve been together from the start. But Alexandra and Armando? Love from middle school.

Paulina’s confession is certainly sincere…drama. I hope he won’t win – we read.

doda and Duda flies the plane and Emil Stupio publishes the trailer for “Girls from Dubai”

Who will win the fourth edition?love island“We’ll find out on Sunday.

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