M jak miłość, Episode 1624: Budzyński will show his true face! Butrek will regret messing with it
In the 1624 episode “M jak miłość”, Budzyński (Krystian Wieczorek) will show that not only is he the kind and forever good husband of Magda (Anna Mucha), he tolerates the humor of his wife and friends. In the 1624 episode “M jak miłość”, Piotrek (Marcin Mroczek) will live in the conviction that the beloved chief, who has always been Zduński’s friend, also knows how to usher in the course of war. Andrei was not angry for so long that he forgot about friendship and private life, treating Petrik as an irresponsible child. Budzyński will treat his employees sharply, regardless of the fact that they are also his relatives.
Section “M jak miłość” 1624 – Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at 20.55 on TVP2
In the 1624 episode “M jak miłość,” Budzyński would not be in the mood for jokes. Andrzej is an incredibly patient person who often helps others and saves them from persecution. He endures the difficult nature of Magda, complete madness (Marcin Bossac) and problems of Vernon (Jacek Kupczynski). Unfortunately, they may have forgotten that Budzyński has his limitations, and in the 1624 episode “M jak miłość” the lawyer will show his true face. All because of Piotrek, who will be very late for the office with the necessary documents.
– Can you check if Piotrek has already sent the documents? – Will ask the lawyer who is angry at Zduński’s absence. – Wait, he didn’t – Magda will say in episode 1624 “M jak miłość”. – He had to prepare it and send it to me before the trial. and how? – asked Andrei sharply. – Participate? – Magda asked carefully as she stared at the screen. – can I send? The attorney will ask again, more emphatically. – Well, he didn’t! But I’m telling you he didn’t send… he didn’t! – Magda will break out, and Budzyński will go even crazier from second to second.
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In the 1624 episode “M jak miłość”, Andrzej will learn that Zduński is dealing with a case unrelated to a very important trial they are working on. Zduński will decide to help his neighbor Renia (Monika Niemczyk), who will fall victim to scammers, instead of working hard. In the 1624 episode “M jak miłość”, Budzyński will be angry because Piotrek is doing something other than required.
– And how? ready? – He will ask, interrupting Piotrek’s conversation over the phone on a topic very different from working on a thesis. – give me a moment – will say Petrik. – What the hell can’t you have it in your business? – Andrzej will ask, angry, and Zduński will give him Mrs. Renia’s documents.
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– You waste time and effort and this situation is lost in advance. These scammers are on all sides – Andrzej will say after a short acquaintance with Renia’s problem and fraud. – Today’s experience should be the most important thing for you! – wrzśnie in episode 1624 “M jak miłość”. – sat down! – he would add sharply, and Petrik is silent upon seeing Andrei angry. – He sat down, I said! – Budzyński will say sharply, who will get out of his way. – I must remind you how important our law firm is and how much work we put into it? (…]- Andrzej will be ruthless and Butrek won’t say a word. However, in the end, Budzyński will calm down and help in the case of Lady Renia.
M jak miłość Episode 1623 Announcement. Jaszewski will die at the place where Marzena and Andrzejek were killed! Bartik will discover a scam with a dip
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