Pawe Nowisz, a famous theater and film actor, has died at the age of 81. He was honored for his supporting roles in television and film, including Józef Goździk in the series “Kogiel-Mogiel”. One of his last film roles was the role of his grandfather in the film “Silent Night” directed by Peter Domolowsky.
Pawe Nowisz died at the age of 81 – sent via Facebook to the series “Colors of Happiness”, in which the actor recently played.
Noysz was born in 1940 in Warsaw. In 1963, he graduated from the puppet department, and a year later at the acting department of the State Higher School of Theater (now the Academy of Theater Arts) in Krakow. In 1964 he made his debut at the Polish theater in Bielsko-Biała. Two years later, he received a prize for a young actor for the role of a priest in “Dziady” during the sixth Kalisz Theater meetings.
Pawel NowiszBartos Krupa / East News
Paweł Nowisz – Expert in the second plan
The actor had a number of roles in television shows. At the beginning of the 80s, he began to appear more and more often in television productions, which today are considered cult: “Alternatives 4” or “Zmiennicy”. In 1989, he starred in the comedy “Galimatias, or kogel-mogel II”. He returned as Józef Goździk in 2019 in “Miszmasz, or kogel-mogel 3”.
Interestingly, Nowisz played Władysław Gomułka four times in his career: “Żołnierze życia” (1977), “Polish Cuisine” (1992), “Prymas w Komańczy” (2010) and “Różyczka” (2010). In the years 1991-2001 he played in the famous films: “Controlled Conversations”, “Bokonic Kwiatkowski”, “Killer”, “Fuk”, “Chubaki ni Baki” or “Money is not everything”.
His last significant film role was as his grandfather’s character in Piotr Domalewski’s debut title Silent Night in 2017.
Main image source: Bartos Krupa / East News
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