Matura 2022. CKE Leaked Mathematics and Polish Papers.  There is a CKE decision!  The procedure changed itself through leaks from Podlasie.  ‘Procedures have been tightened’

Matura, the Bagrut Exam
Matura, the Bagrut Exam

Students who will sit for the matura exam in 2022 are already counting down their last remaining hours until they reach the most important test of their lives. Some use them for education, while others … are based on leaks of graduation subjects, which have already taken place in previous years in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The issue of disclosing examination papers before the start of the baccalaureate in 2020 and 2021 is being investigated by investigators, and the Central Examinations Committee warns against tightening the procedures in place this year. Will there be no leaks before obtaining the 2022 high school diploma?

Matura 2022: CKE Papers Leaked. There is a decision of the authorities! ‘Procedures have been tightened’

In previous years high school graduates From all over Poland they are the envy of their peers PodlasieThat a few hours before the end of the secondary school exam they received it via electronic means of communication Topics from the Polish language, and a day later also math tasks, which then already appeared in the exam papers. s.Drop out laws in 2020 Then appeared whenAnalysts noticed a sharp increase in the morning hours of Internet searches for the phrases “great wedding items”, And the whole topic: How does adding some fantasy to the song affect the message of this song? Consider the problem and justify your opinion by referring to the specific passages of “The Wedding”. Podlasie high school graduates also entered the name of the poet Anna Kamieska, whose poem was also on the high school leaving exam, into an Internet search engine. It was similar in 2021, with a difference Before the exam, young people from Podlasie searched the Internet for issues related to Bolesław Prus’ novel “The Doll”Which was already valid for last year’s exam.

You must see: Matura 2022: Leaks from Podlasie appeared on Twitter. Everything is online. “The time is coming…”. You can’t miss it!

Matura 2022: CKE Papers Leaked. There is a decision of the authorities! Is this the end of the leaks from Budlasi?!

Regarding the graduation themes leaks At that time, consideration was given to the necessity of re-examinations in secondary schools and technical secondary schools in Podlasie (in the end it didn’t), and Central Examination Committee Submitting a notification to the Public Prosecutor’s Office about the possibility of committing a crime.

– related Disclosure of the papers for the Polish language and mathematics exams in June 2020. A number of activities were carried out, dozens of witnesses were interrogated, documents were collected and analyzed by the Central Committee and data from the Internet. Requests have also been made for international legal assistance. However, the activities carried out so far have not allowed to identify the perpetrator of these crimes and no charges have been brought to anyone, explains Prosecutor Elibeta Shukasevich, press spokesman for the Ostruka Prosecutor’s Office, who is investigating the case. – Currently, the investigation has been suspended due to a request by the Attorney General’s Office to the United States to implement procedural steps by means of international legal assistance. – adds the plaintiff. The investigation into last year’s leaks is also underway, and is being conducted by the Warsaw Police under the supervision of the Warsaw Prosecutor’s Office.

Check also: Matura 2022. Leaks, reviews, articles for money. It’s happening again! High school graduates should consider the consequences

Matura 2022: Leaks from Budelassi. What will be in the Matura exam in 2022?

Can high school graduates from Podlasie and also other areas of the country this year count on the leaks on the subject of the matura exam?

– After cases from previous years The procedures stipulated in the regulations for the collection of test materials and their transmission to the heads of supervisory teams have been tightened. – warns Marcin Smolek, Director of the Central Examinations Committee. – The inspection team leader is now required to show the proper packages with the inspection papers, and all supervisory team heads must confirm that the number of packages is in line with the bill of lading. Moreover, as is the case every year, the attendance of proctors will be guaranteed during exams – clarifies the director of the CKE.

research: MEMES about the matura exam in 2022 and leaks from Podlasie. You will fall out of laughter!


Are you worried about the Matura exam this year?

Matura 2021: the Polish language to begin

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