Medvedev threatens: I hate them, I will do anything to make them disappear

I hate them, they want Russia dead. Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, wrote on Telegram, “As long as I am alive, I will do everything to make them disappear.”

The former Russian president frequently posts harsh and controversial entries on his Telegram channel. Today he decided to explain why his comments were “cruel”.

Answer: I hate them. They are bastards and scum. They want us to die, the death of Russia. And while I’m alive, I’ll do anything to make them disappear – he wrote.

Dmitry Medvedev regularly publishes entries in which he criticizes, attacks and threatens, among other things, heads of various states. For example, after Sweden and Finland applied to join NATO, the former Russian president stated that “the balance in the Baltic Sea must be restored.” He warned that his country would have to increase the number of troops in the Gulf of Finland.

He also said that sanctions against Russian resources were the most effective They are hurting Europeis afraid The return of communism On the continent, they compared German Chancellor Olaf Schulz to Adolf Hitler.

As Medvedev argued Poland prepares to invade Ukraine in order to occupy its western lands.

The Kremlin is talking about Putin’s successor. Many people are not satisfied

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