Michał Róg was a member of the Orlen Board of Directors.  He spent more with cards than Obajtek

There were changes in Orlin’s management in February, but now the expenses incurred by the company during Daniel Obajtic’s presidency have come to light. As we revealed on Wednesday, June 27, former PKN president Orlen spent almost 1 million zlotys on his company card in a year. This wasn’t a record though. More was spent on the card of the former member of the company’s board of directors, Michel Rogge. “Truth” found out that the bill here is about PLN 2 million.

Byzantium in Orlen. Obajtek spent a fortune on his company card. What was the money used for?

MEP Budka on Orlin for Obajtec. “Absolute Byzantium”

Orlin does not consistently disclose details of transactions and the limits that the previous board of directors was entitled to apply, citing prevailing corporate standards. More details about Orlin’s former board of directors’ expenses were revealed to “Fakt” by former State Assets Minister and current MEP Boris Budka. – I saw a lot of shocking expenses in Orlean, which appeared in the first reports as soon as the new administration began the inspection process. He reveals his belief that audits, governed by specific laws, will lead to more discoveries. – Absolute byzantium when it comes to merchant payment cards. Shopping with almost no control. A board member spent PLN 10,000 at Harrods in London. PLN and there was only the annotation “Meeting with a client – a gift”. These expenses ranged from several to several thousand złoty. In addition, paying with a company card for dental prosthetics or even Botox. One of Orlen’s vice-presidents managed to spend tens of thousands of zlotys on Cuban cigars in a private salon in Warsaw – says the former Minister of State Assets in an interview with “Fakt”.

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