Millennia is the paradoxical answer to civilization;  Watch the first material from the game

Sega and Microsoft weren’t the only ones who wanted to create competition for Civilization. a job Paradox Interactive announced Millenniuma 4X strategy where players will lead their nation to greatness. You can watch the first trailer for the game, shown after a long countdown, below.

Rumors about the production have been circulating for a long time. C Prompt Games studio is responsible for the project, but it has not been confirmed whether the creators – as claimed in one of the leaks – were inspired by it Board game With the same address.

Whatever the alleged formula, the basic assumptions of the game are no different from what we know from it Civilization Human lube. Over the course of 10,000 years, we will develop our chosen nation, expand our territories, invent technology, and lead armies into battle. The game will be divided into ten eras, and victory can be achieved without going to the last (yes, there will be several conditions for victory, the choice of which will be determined by the dominant power).

It’s hard to say anything more about the game at the moment. We can only hope that the title is no worse than another potential contender Sid Meier’s CivilizationHumanity. The work of the Amplitude Studios team still has a lot of players, but it is far from the popularity of the sixth game Civilization (via service SteamDB).

Will Paradox’s experience with strategies be enough for debut studio C Prompt Games (which counts among its ranks the veterans responsible for creating System Shock and Age of Empires) to threaten the cult surrounding the Firaxis Games series? We’ll find out for sure the first show Millennium Scheduled for 2024.

Here’s what Dariusz “DM” Matusiak had to say about the new Paradox game at Gamescom August 2023:

“I had the opportunity to participate in a demo of the game Millennium At Gamescom, but so far it hasn’t aroused any positive emotions for me. However, this is not the fault of the game itself, but the poorly prepared presentation. One of the creators, in a hurry, tried to tell us everything about the game in a short time, which we usually learn during dozens of hours of gameplay, while at the same time controlling our game and showing the unit and exactly which point on the map we should click on.

As a result, I only played a few battles with chariot and lance units, and heard how the game improved and became better as we entered the age of tanks and battleplanes. The outcome of the combat happens in the background, and we only see animation of questionable quality taken from the classic game North and South. The game does not stand out as an additional feature compared to Civilization Neither by drawings nor by a somewhat forced and artificial division into erasWhat our nation is going through.

The main difference I noticed is that the troop pawn on the map is not actually a unit with a specific strength, but an army hiding different troops. They can then be divided, spaced and moved as needed. Perhaps there are more such nuances, but to learn them and evaluate them accurately, you will have to play the game calmly. Is the killer coming? Civilization? i don’t think so.”

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