Mobile app development: from idea to implementation

Every week, hundreds of software products appear on Google Play and the Apple App Store. Messengers, online consultants, games – they all contain program code and are the product of programmers’ work. Not every mobile application is destined to become popular. The competition in the market is fierce and the requirements are getting tougher. Well architected review by Dataart will help you understand the complexities of development.

How to create a demanding application and make money in the mobile software market?

Original idea

Today, young programmers have a lot of advantages over the previous generation. A huge amount of training material, thematic communities, advanced automation tools, frameworks, platforms and many services for creating software. At the same time, the modern digital age is marked by fierce competition. In real terms, this means that when you develop a unique product, it may be that a similar solution is already on the market.

As in business in general, software development requires an original idea. There is no key to solving this problem as such. Each developer decides for himself how to research new topics, but in any case, it will be necessary to study the consumer niche in as much detail as possible and find a gap that can be used as a springboard for a future solution. This direction is in demand today, so many companies offer enterprise application development services.

Project preparation and planning

It is easier to plan the development process on ready-made examples. There are always worthy examples on the market that you can take as a basis, analyze and determine useful tips for yourself. Mobile app success rates include the following factors:

  • Number of downloads. If the application is popular, the number of downloads will be in the hundreds of thousands.
  • The presence of positive feedback. Today, there are practically no sites for the sale of software, where the ability to leave comments is blocked. Even if there are, they are not popular.
  • Positive evaluation of the site. It is beneficial for sellers to provide their customers with high-quality software, so the seller has its own requirements and moderation, which the product goes through.

Thanks to comparison with competitors, a developer can solve several problems at once: look at other people’s mistakes and understand the complexity of the project.

Development Strategy: Frontend and Backend Components

By default, software product development is divided into two categories: Frontend and Backend development. Frontend components include the entire public part of the product: user interface, design, integration options, that is, everything that the user sees on the screen. In terms of adaptation, Frontend development is divided into several approaches:

  • Native application. With this approach, the code is developed for a specific platform, for example, for iOS. In subsequent use, you will not be able to run the program on another platform.
  • Cross-platform application. A versatile product with the ability to run on multiple platforms. Today, this is a priority area in development, as it is important for users to be able to use programs on different devices.
  • Hybrid options. The code is created in a specific programming environment. As a result, it turns out cheap and cheerful, but there may be some problems in adapting the product when changing platforms.

The front-end developer is responsible for the “stuffing” on the user’s side. Main components: user interface and design.

Backend development is responsible for running the application on the server side. This is all that the client does not see, but without which no mobile application can do. Backend developer is responsible for:

  • Database operation.
  • Hosting and API. It is important to take into account the level of application scalability and choose a reliable “rear” for the operation of the product.
  • Technologies for programming: language, choice of frameworks, platforms.

After testing the product, adjusting and refining it, taking into account the changes that have arisen, the mobile application is launched on the market. After the official release, developers will need to provide technical support and analysis of customer feedback. Also, do not forget about marketing activities and advertising support for the mobile application. All this together determines the success and popularity of the product.

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