Modern Warfare 2 will be the first to be tested for PS5 and PS4 owners.  Beta schedule and map view

The new version of the Call of Duty brand is coming. Before the premiere of Modern Warfare 2, which will take place in October, we will be able to test the gameplay of the new FPP shooter in beta form.

Activision has already revealed the beta testing schedule for the upcoming installment of the Call of Duty franchise. We already know that they will have the first chance to check out Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 People who have decided to buy pre-orders on PS4 and PS5 consoles. For these players, the beta early access option will start on September 16th from 19:00. Other Sony console owners will be able to participate in public beta testing, which will begin on September 18 and run until September 20.

Xbox console owners will not be able to participate in the next beta testing phase, which begins on September 22. At this point, PC, Xbox and PlayStation owners will participate in the game, and it will also be possible to test crossplay. Here again, priority will be given to people who have been tempted to buy pre-orders.

The first weekend with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Beta:

  • Early access for pre-orders: September 16-17 (PS4 and PS5 only)
  • public beta: September 18-20 (PS4 and PS5 only)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Beta Second Weekend:

  • Early access for pre-orders: September 22-23 (all platforms)
  • public beta: September 24-26 (all platforms)

Important announcements and information regarding the future of the Call of Duty brand will be presented on September 15th. On that day, Activision will be conducting a live broadcast titled “Call of Duty: Next”, During which, among other things, a full multiplayer clash will be revealed in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The publisher will also focus on smartphone news related to the shooting brand, as well as the topic of the future of Warzone.

During the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta tests, we will be able to launch on the map Marina Bay Grand Prix (6vs6). A brief introduction to this battlefield awaits you below.

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