Moon conjunction with Jupiter.  When do you look at the sky?  “Be sure to look out for this phenomenon”

Tonight you will be able to see the conjunction of the Moon with Jupiter. The largest planet in our solar system is currently the brightest object in the sky. “The pairing will be completely visible to the naked eye,” Carol Wojcicki, author of the With Head in the Stars blog, wrote on social media.

Before us is a unique astronomical phenomenon – the conjunction of our natural satellite and the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter. It is worth looking at the sky tonight, especially since the weather will be favorable for it.

“The moon, which is waning every night, today will be close to bright Jupiter and the Pleiades open cluster, famous M45, will return to our sky. The conjunction will be completely visible to the naked eye” — writes Carol Wojcicki, a popular astronomy blog author on social media Head in the stars. He added that Jupiter is currently the brightest object in the sky. “It appears above the eastern horizon shortly after sunset, but is best seen after 11 p.m., when it rises above the line of trees and buildings,” wrote Wójcicki.

A conjunction is a phenomenon in which celestial bodies line up in a single line from the observer’s point of view. We often deal with a conjunction of two or three planets or a planet-moon conjunction.

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Moon conjunction with Jupiter

A famous astronomer wrote that if we pointed binoculars, or even better a telescope, at Jupiter, we could easily see its four largest moons, the so-called Galilean moons: Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa.

“At 4.36 one of these moons – Io – will enter the shadow of Jupiter! For a few minutes you will be able to notice how the moon’s brightness slowly fades and disappears. If you have an optical instrument, be sure to look for this phenomenon. ” – wrote Wójcicki.

And if we want to see the phenomenon well, it is better to go to a place far from buildings and artificial light emitted, for example, from street lamps.

The weather should be just right to enjoy the sky tonight. Check out the details.

Guide to the stars,

Main image source: stock struggle

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