More terrible in Lukashenka prison than at the front.  The soldier reveals – o2

Dzianis Urbanovich is the leader of the Belarusian democratic opposition. In 2015, after the presidential election, he spent two years in a penal colony for protesting at a polling station.

According to the Belsat portal, after his release, Urbanowicz took part in the defense of Kuropat The site of the Stalinist mass murders near Minsk. The man was arrested and fined multiple times as a result of this activity.

After the rigged presidential elections in Belarus in 2020, Urbanovich is back again He participated in the protests for which he was repressed and tortured. In December 2021, he fled to Ukraine to avoid arrest, because the Belarusian services filed a case against him, accusing him of “organizing or participating in activities that seriously violate social order”, that is, in protests – reports the Belsat portal.

With the onset of the war in Ukraine, Urbanowicz volunteered for the Belarusian branch named after Konstanty Kalinowski. He is known there under the pseudonym “Wilkołak”

Days earlier, Urbanovich was wounded in the front. He was taken to hospital. Currently, his health is improving, so he decided to give an interview to the regiment’s press service, in which he talked about his participation in the fighting.

All I can say is that prison was more scary than here. Here you are running, you are sure of something, and there you can sit stunned and not know what will happen to you. And here at least you understand something. You have a choice, you fight. And when you can no longer fight, you can shoot yourself or blow yourself up – says the man, citing the Belsat portal.

See also: Sharp words about Adam Glapinsky. “a blight on the Polish economy”

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