NASA announces a breakthrough in planetary science.  5 you.  outer planets

Until a few decades ago, exoplanets were beyond the reach of humanity. This has changed with more telescopes, allowing us to discover planets outside the solar system. The number of these worlds Crossed the 5,000 mark. (5005 as of March 16, 2022). These are the exoplanets that have been confirmed because there are more candidates for them.

Just 4 percent discovered exoplanets are somewhat similar to Earth. Much more, about 31 percent. They make up the so-called super-Earth. It is larger than our world, but smaller than Neptune. It does not exist in the solar system. Another 30 percent. Gas giants are similar to Jupiter and Saturn. However, 35 percent. Planets similar to Uranus or Neptune have been found.

The telescope has contributed to the discovery of many new ezgoplanets he-goatNASA launched into space a few years ago. The device “on the counter” has approximately 5.5 thousand. Candidates for exoplanets requiring confirmation.

As a curiosity, it is worth adding that the closest exoplanets are located About 4 light years from Earth. It has the Proxima Centauri system, where it happens One planet for surea The next two require confirmation.

At the same time, we invite you to listen to the latest episode of the podcast from a technical point of view. This time we talked to the creator of the ANS encoding … which is used by almost the whole world today. Although he has developed a great solution, he hasn’t seen a single zloty, and tech giants – from Google to Microsoft – are trying to patent them, without sharing the profits with the world. How did this happen and what exactly does ANS allow? You can find the answers to this below:

To deepen your knowledge of new technologies, we also encourage you to watch the video below:

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