National Vaccine Program.  Young people against vaccinations

3,496 – This is the number of new coronavirus infections reported between July 9 and August 9. Health Minister Adam Nidzelsky posted statements on the matter on Twitter on August 9.

Data from last month shows that people from the least vaccinated groups are mainly infected

– The politician stressed, then encouraged everyone to get vaccinated.

In his intervention, Minister Nedzelsky said that people of the least vaccinated age groups are more often infected with the Corona virus.

Infection among people under the age of 40 is more than 56 percent. infections. People over 60 – the most widely vaccinated group – are just under 20 percent. infections

– The head of the Ministry of Health commented on the data.

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Why do Poles not want to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

Young people against vaccinations

Data from August 9 confirm the minister’s words. People under the age of 40 were responsible for 1,965 new cases in the past month – 56.2 percent. everyone. In contrast, in people over the age of 60, only 688 cases were diagnosed, or only 19.7 percent. generally. The remaining 24.1% make up the age groups 41-50 (492 cases; 14.08% of the total) and 51-60 years old (291; 8.33%).

Now let’s look at how many vaccinations have been done, broken down by age groups. As of August 9, nearly 35.1 million vaccines have been made in Poland. Most of them are in the age group 61-70 – 7.1 million; Least in the 12-17 age group – 1.2 million. In total, people under the age of 40 received 10.4 million injections. People over 60 years old – 13.3 million. 11.3 million vaccines have been made in age groups 41-50 (5.9 million) and 51-60 (5.4 million). In the case of 86 thousand. The age of the patients is unknown.

The most interesting Conclusions However, they come when we look at individual age groups. Especially on the (relatively) young Poles. In the age groups 18-29 and 30-39, at the end of 2019, according to the Central Statistical Office, there were 5.3 million and 6.2 million citizens in Poland, respectively. Meanwhile, vaccinations were performed in the 18-30 and 31-40 age groups by 4.2 and 5 million, respectively. This means that a maximum of 2.1 million people in the 18-30 age group and 2.5 million in the 31-40 age group can be vaccinated with two doses.


Even taking into account the slight age differences between the groups indicated by the Central Bureau of Statistics and those in the National Immunization Program, we can clearly see that young people do not want to be vaccinated. The 18-29 age group is immunized at its best at 39.6 percent, while the 30-39 percent age group is immunized at 40.3 percent. Either way, it’s clearly below the average in the whole of Poland, which was 49.26 percent on August 9.

This is confirmed by the results of the July survey of the Institute for Social Change Research – We describe it at – which indicates that the largest number of anti-vaccination opponents and people who abstain from vaccination are young Poles. Vaccinations against COVID-19 will not be accepted at 23.9 percent. The age group is 18-29 and 18.03% of the 30-39 year old group. Altogether, among people under the age of 40, we have roughly 42 percent. All vaccine opponents. Least surprisingly, opponents of vaccines are older adults – 6.52 percent. In the 60-69 group, 5.95 percent. In the 70+ year group. That is, in the groups with the best vaccination coverage and the fewest number of new cases of COVID-19.

Hard power options

For those in power, this is very disturbing information, because although the National Immunization Program (NPS) promotion was usually designed for the younger generation, it turned out to be a spectacular failure (As we wrote about it on While the addressee was right, the argument turned out to be fatal and completely incompatible with the doubts, fears and misinformation that people have about COVID-19 vaccines.

Today there is no longer any doubt – Poland will not be able to achieve the so-called resilience of the population before the onset of the fourth wave of the pandemic. As of August 11, only 49.45 percent have been vaccinated with both doses. Population. This is the seventh worst result in the European Union. It is also more than 12 percentage points. Below the EU average. Malta, which is the best in vaccination in the European Union, has already vaccinated 92.05%. the society. It was followed by Denmark (74.47) and Portugal (73).

This is why rulers often face two very difficult and politically unpopular elections. The first is to introduce different restrictions into the public space for vaccinated and unvaccinated people. So that fully vaccinated people do not suffer the consequences of the failure of NPS and the decisions of opponents of vaccination. The second option concerns the introduction of compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19.

Either way, the Poles are completely divided. However, social research in recent weeks shows that they would be more willing to agree to different restrictions depending on whether or not someone has been vaccinated (53.7%; Wirtualna Polska’s United polls) rather than offering compulsory coronavirus vaccinations (this solution 57% of Poles oppose it from a Kantar poll for “Fakt” (TVN and TVN24).

However, awareness of the tipping point of pandemic vaccines has already reached the rulers, which is best illustrated by the recent interview of Jaroslaw Kaczynski to the Polish News Agency.

Refusal to vaccinate is not a matter of individual freedom. People who refer to freedom in the context of vaccinations, perhaps inadvertently, refer to the hypothesis that man is a wolf to man. This is very selfish. The limits of freedom are the rights of others. You must not deprive others of health or life

– Assessment of the leader of the Law and Justice Party firmly.

When asked about anti-vaccines and people delaying vaccination, he said he “might expect restrictions.”

The state must do everything in its power to protect its citizens from the plague. You can not give in to those who find it difficult to analyze the situation and have little empathy. Politicians must take responsibility and risk tough decisions

– confirmed.

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