NATO spokeswoman on Zapad 2021: We call on Russia and Belarus to act in a predictable and transparent manner

“NATO is closely monitoring the Zapad 2021 exercise,” said Oana Lungescu, a NATO spokeswoman. And from September 10 to 16, Belarusian-Russian strategic exercises are scheduled, which raises concern in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia in connection with the artificially created migration crisis, said a NATO spokeswoman, in response to a question about possible provocations during the maneuvers launched by the regime of Alexander Lukashenka.

“In the event of an increase in military activity along NATO borders, it is particularly important to reduce risks and avoid accidents or incidents,” the spokeswoman said.

Oana Lungescu clarified that NATO was not invited to send monitors to Zapad-2021. In other words, Russia disagreed with NATO watchers. As Longescu pointed out, Russia has never agreed to the presence of NATO observers during the Zapad exercises since the end of the Cold War.

“This is despite the fact that observation missions are mandatory when the exercises exceed 13,000 soldiers,” the spokeswoman noted. It is about obligations under the so-called Vienna Document of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

“NATO remains vigil while maintaining a balanced and balanced stance,” a NATO spokeswoman confirmed to RMF FM in a statement. “We maintain open channels of communication with Russia in line with our two-track approach – combining defense, deterrence and dialogue. We will keep in touch with Minsk if necessary,” she told MFFM radio.

Zapad 2021 exercises. Uran-9 . combat vehicles will be used

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