Kraft dinner is pegged at $0.55 per unit, the lowest since the Glouton app collected data from grocery store circulars in 2019.
• Read more: Sixty-eight fruits and vegetables for $20
• Read more: The price freeze in grocery stores ends tomorrow
“This is the lowest price ever recorded for a box of Kraft dinner since we started collecting data,” says Jean-François Gagné-Bérubé.
Also, Mr. Gagné-Bérubé also said that he liked to eat it when he was sick. He had to record the fight portion of the circulars this week remotely because he was battling a virus.

Strawberry Casso is another product that is offered at a very low price this week.
“We haven't seen this price since October 2023, and if we want to find a cheaper price, we have to go to June 2023. We are out of season, strawberries are imported and they are not always very tasty,” he notes. – He.

In a few days, many sports fans will gather to host a dinner for the Super Bowl or the NHL All-Star Game on February 3 on TVA Sports.
“We haven't seen pork back ribs go below $3.99/lb since the beginning of the year. With the Super Bowl coming up, we can look at last-minute deals next week,” explains the expert.

Super C is the grocery store that offers the best discounts of the week.
“Super C stands out with a slight lead with its discounts rated 10 out of 10, with Maxi not far behind,” notes Glouton's founder.
“IGA is a bit further away this week” after a nice round of discounts since early 2024.
Discounts worth checking out?
Primo Pasta (700-900g) 3 for $5 at Super C
“We rarely see it cheap, but this week it's the best deal on pasta.”
A pork sirloin (750g) slice at Super C for $5.99
“It's interesting, but for the same cut we're doing a little better at Provigo.”
Asian pears at Maxi $1.68/lb
“It's the best price in about three years.”
$0.99 at Kiwi Metro and IGA
“It's not really one [bon rabais].»
Instant Noodles 4 at Metro for 0.99%
“This is a price we don't see very often in 2023, and we've already seen this discount twice since the start of the year.”
Frozen salmon at Provigo for $7.99/lb
“We've got great deals on salmon and trout in many places this week.”
“Pop culture practitioner. Award-winning tv junkie. Creator. Devoted food geek. Twitter lover. Beer enthusiast.”