New collection point for gifts for refugees.  They ask for food and chemicals

Volunteers who previously worked at SCOPiES in Słupsk founded the Dobroswiat Association. They launched a new help point for Ukrainians in PL. Broniewskiego 11. – New refugees come to us, and those who came early, mostly mothers with young children, have no jobs or savings, so they are still doomed for what the residents of Swiopsk will offer them – says Kenja Michaowska, one of the volunteers.

The Dobroswiat Association consists of: Kinga Michałowska, Natalia Frątczak and Iryna Kostina, a Ukrainian who has been living in Poland for five years. They also work in this field as Ukrainian volunteers – incl. Nurse, lawyer and economist. Andrzej Adamkiewicz, owner of Restaurant Szafran, gave them a little place in pl. Broniewskiego 11. He himself reported when the women of Słupsk announced that they were looking for a place to gather and distribute gifts. It also pays for utilities. Volunteers from the Lokalsi i Dobrowrzeże Foundation, Rafał Marglarczyk from Pyszny Połonek, the Polish Women’s Strike Foundation, the Christian Association of Cologne, people from Switzerland and the USA.

But this is a drop in the ocean of needs – says Kinga Michowska. – These are great because new refugees from war-torn Ukraine keep coming. There are also mothers with children who came early, but are unable to support themselves because they have nowhere to leave their children for. work time. Well, there are also women who have given birth to newborns in our country.

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