New rules for gas heating. The EU revolution is coming

Poland, like other EU countries, must introduce building directives. The legal solutions adopted will impose renovations and the implementation of energy-saving solutions.

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The new regulations will also change the rules for gas heating.

Independent LNG boilers could be installed in new buildings by 2030 R., And in new/renovated buildings until 2040. After these dates, it will be possible to install them in hybrid systems, i.e. combined with a renewable heat source, for example a heat pump,” reported.

Construction guidance. Important details

According to the assumptions, residential buildings in the EU will reduce average energy consumption by 16% by 2030 and by 20-22% by 2035. From 2030, all new buildings must be zero-emission.And two years ago, from 2028 – all new public buildings.

From 2025, support for the purchase of gas boilers will no longer be allowed. From 2030, these devices will no longer be installed in new properties. From 2040, EU countries will have to phase out fossil fuel boilers.Including coal and gas.

In Poland, energy classes from A to G will be introduced. Class A will be reserved for zero-emission buildings, with the option to add a “+” symbol when using renewable energy sources; while G will be the class of buildings with the worst energy performance.

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