Nuclear power plant in Poland.  Westinghouse and Bechtel formed a consortium

A consortium will build a nuclear power plant in Pomerania

ESC Design Services Contract (Engineering Services Contract) for a new power plant The consortium is scheduled to sign with Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe. PSJ is set to be the investor and operator of the power plant.

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See also: Poland needs a nuclear power plant. “Every new technology raises concerns, but let the arguments speak for themselves.”

According to the information provided by the two American bodies, the contract is scheduled to be signed next week.

The first nuclear power plant in Poland

In December 2021, the state power plant indicated the Lobiato-Kopalino site as the preferred location for the first Polish nuclear power plant. In turn, in November 2022, the government adopted a decision to select Westinghouse Electric as the technology supplier.

According to the current schedule, construction is scheduled to begin in 2026 The first unit will be launched in 2033. PEJ is currently waiting for the General Directorate of Environmental Protection (GDOŚ) to issue an environmental decision for this project.

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