Television and film productions from the time of the Polish People’s Republic are still very popular. The couples shown on the screen are clearly loved by viewers. In this quiz, we recall famous romances and unhappy love that stirred public opinion. Pay attention to the question about “out of the way”!
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Elżbieta Starostyka and Leszek Tilyzinski in “The Leper”
On-screen couples from the Polish People’s Republic. Check out what you remember from movies and TV[QUIZ]
1. In the series “Czterej pancerni ipies”, Janik married Marusia and Gustlik?
With Honorata
Next question
These roles were played by Barbara Kraftówna and Franciszek Pieczka.
2. Marusya, Jannik Kosa’s lover, was:
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This role brought huge popularity to Paula Raksa.
3. Leszek, the hero of the series “Daleko od szosy”, moved to the city for his girlfriend Anya. For whom?
to lodz
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Then he started studying at an art school.
4. It’s time for “The Promised Land.” What is the name of Karol Borowiecki’s lover?
Lucy Zuckerova
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Played by the unforgettable Kalina Jedrusik.
5. In “Nights and Days” Barbara Nesic is Bogomil’s wife, but her first love was:
Joseph Tulipowski
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He appears in the iconic scene with water lilies.
6. Stefania Rodecka from “Trędowata” worked in the Mięchorowski Palace as follows:
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Stefania Rodica is Miss Luca’s governess. Then she meets Waldemar the orderly.
7. Ewa Glinka and Pawel Hanisch from the series “W labiryncie” met:
At work
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They both worked at the Institute of Pharmacy.
8. At the beginning of “The Imposter,” Rafael Wilczor learns that his beloved wife has left him. She took their daughter with her. What was the girl’s name?
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Rafael Wilczor’s daughter is of course Maria Wilczor.
9. Before the heroine of the comedy “Kogel-mogel” met Paweł, their wedding was planned:
With Stasik Kolasa
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The wedding did not take place because Cassia ran away from home when she learned that she had been accepted into college.
10. Justyna Orzelska and Jan Bohaterovich are the stars of the film:
On Neemen
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These roles were played by Iwona Katarzyna Pawlak and Adam Marjański.
11. Before Michał Wołodyjowski married Basia Jeziorkowska, he was engaged to:
With Alexandra Belyuchovna
With Christina Drohewska
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The hero broke off his engagement when it turned out that Christina was in love with Ketling.
12. In which movie did Anya Paulakovna and Zenik get married?
“There are no strong ones”
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Neither Paulac nor Kargol loved Annie’s lover.
13. What is the name of Janosik’s girlfriend?
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Played by Ewa Lemanska.
14. Where did Magda Karowska, the wife of “Czterdziestolatka”, work?
In filters
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Magda Karowska worked at Feltri as a hydrologist.
15. In the Polish People’s Republic, we had two films based on the novel “Lalka”. Beata Tyszkiewicz played Izabela Łęcka:
In the movie
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Beata Tyszkiewicz played Wokulski’s lover in the film directed by Wojciech Has. Małgorzata Braunek also appeared in the series version.
16. Kazimierz and Zofia Jankowski and Henryk and Irena Kaminski are the stars of the series:
“civil war”
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We saw the fate of their families in the “civil war.”
17. Małgorzata Braunek played the role of Oleńka Billewiczówna in the film:
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This is of course Kmić’s favorite.
18. It’s time for the Teutonic Knights. Zbyszko saw Danusia for the first time:
At the inn in Tyniec
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Danusia Jurandówna was then one of Anna Danuta’s ladies-in-waiting.
19. In “Chłopy” Jagna Paczesiówna became the wife of:
Purina massage
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She married Maciej even though she was having an affair with his son Antik.
20. And finally, a “teddy bear”. Ryszard Ochodzki’s wife is Irena, and his lover?
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We saw Kristen Paul Podlaski as Alexandra Kozel.
Your result:
It could have been better…
It would be useful to watch TV and cinema films from the time of the Polish People’s Republic.
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very good!
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Way to go!
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