One of PiS’s great projects may fail.  Czarnecki appealed to members of parliament from the Civic Coalition

Let us remind you that at the end of September we learned that Poland intends to submit its candidacy for parliament Organizing the Summer Olympic Games in 2036. These words were said by President Andrzej Duda at the Second European Conference on Sport and Tourism.

had become. For the first time in the country’s history, we will try to organize the largest sporting event in the world – the Olympic Games in 2036.

~ Sports Minister Kamil Bortnichuk added.

Although such statements sparked mixed feelings among politicians and ordinary fans, the Olympics were one of them. The largest law and justice projects. But after the elections in which the opposition parties obtained a majority, it seems that this idea will be abandoned.

Robert Korzeniowski talks about whether Poland will be able to organize the Summer Olympics. video/INTERIA.TV/INTERIA.TV

Will the PiS project be abandoned? Czarnecki appeals to KO deputies

Civic coalition politicians, even those directly linked to sport, announce restrictions on funding for athletes. Jagna Marczulajtis-Walczak announced this directlyStressing that state-owned companies will no longer be involved in supporting sports as strongly as they are now.

However, PiS MPs appeal not to abandon this project just because it came from the United Right. In an interview with “Sporto Facti” Ryszard Czarnecki And calls to give this idea a chance.

I suggest everyone to drink some cold water and cool down their hot heads after the recent election campaign. It would be disastrous if such a project was rejected without any arguments. Unfortunately, now I see that it is the rhetoric that this project should be rejected because it was put forward by the Law and Justice Party. Unfortunately, for some people, criticizing everything someone else has come up with is a Pavlovian reaction

~ PiS MEP said.

“This project is so good that it deserves quiet study. Euro 2012 It showed that we can work together for a common cause. Games can also be our common success,” Czarnecki added.

Olympic Games in Poland? “Let’s not be shy”

He added: “We have proven ourselves as organizers of big events in various sporting disciplines. We have really developed a lot over the past ten years or so and we should not be ashamed when it comes to other European countries.” Interview with Interia Sport Thomas Majowskitwo-time Olympic champion in shot put, and currently Vice President of the Polish Athletics Federation, as well as Head of the Olympic Delegation to the Olympic Games in Paris (2024).

This is a huge milestone, but it’s good that we took this first step. The application itself represents a huge challenge. And it’s not like if you apply, you’ll automatically win. This is an element of competition with many cities. This will definitely be a big challenge for us

~The former shot putter added.

The reason for this decision was the European Games organized by our country in early June and July of this year. This event caused a lot of emotions, but Poland received very good reviews abroad. Perhaps this is a kind of handicap in the struggle for the Olympic Games, but if this idea is abandoned now, the next opportunity will probably only be in 2044 and Celebrations of the centenary of the Warsaw Uprising.

The headquarters of the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne/France Press agency

Opening of the European Games Congress/Beata Zorzel/Reporter

Tomasz Majowski – Vice President of the Polish Athletics Federation/Thomas Jastrzebowski/Reporter

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