Online Collapse: Patrick Roy and Paul Arcand Haunt Gogeco Media

98.5 FM, once an impregnable bastion of Montreal radio, today finds itself at an important crossroads.

The retirement of Paul Arcand, a true icon of the Quebec radio landscape, has left a great void, and efforts to fill this void are increasingly failing.

The audience is eroding day by day and the sense of disenchantment among the listeners is increasing. The current situation at 98.5 FM is eerily reminiscent of the situation with the Montreal Canadiens when Patrick Roy was traded and replaced by Jocelyn Thibault.

This selection, unfortunately, did not return the glory of the past and 98.5 FM seems to be experiencing a similar situation.

Since the departure of another popular figure at the station, Pierre-Yves McSween, he has been replaced by Michele Boisvert as economics columnist.

But Boisvert’s choice was not unanimous. Critics came from all sides, and audiences longed for McSween, who knew how to captivate his audience with his direct and accessible style.

Michele Boisvert, though talented, struggles to fill the void left by McSween. For many, she lacks the charisma or impact to keep audiences in their previous positions.

The comments on social media are harsh.

“We miss McSween. Michele Boisvert doesn’t have the same energy. Why change a formula that worked?”

“It’s like replacing a Ferrari with an old sedan, but it’s nothing.”

“Michele Boisvert is an easy choice, but not perfect. She doesn’t have McSween’s energy or presence. It’s boring, and we’re already bored.”

“Since Boisvert took McSween’s place, the economic series has become monotonous. We no longer see this enthusiasm that made economics understandable to everyone.”

“They should have been looking for someone with more charisma. McSween had a way of making complex subjects accessible and interesting. Now it’s soulless numbers.”

Patrick Lagasse, who succeeded Paul Arcand at the helm of the morning show, is under enormous pressure.

Compared to the icon that Arcand was, Lagasse struggles to convince loyal listeners who find it hard to adapt to this change for many.

Arcand’s departure was a shock, and Lagasse, although talented, has not yet succeeded in winning his place in the hearts of listeners as his predecessor did. The reviews were not long in coming.

“Patrick Lacasse is not Paul Arcand, and we don’t see this same conviction, this same morning announcer.”

“It hasn’t taken off. We already missed Arcand, but now it’s even worse.”

“Lagace tries too hard to be Paul Arcand, but it’s not what he needs to be. He seems to be playing a role he doesn’t really understand. He misses the depth that Arcand brought every morning.”

“I tried to give Lacasse a chance, but he doesn’t have that little thing that charms you. After a few days I changed positions.”

“Patrick Lagasse isn’t bad, but he’s not Paul Arcand, and we expected him to take over, but he doesn’t have the substance and he doesn’t have the authority that Arcand had.”

These comments are sadly reminiscent of the Montreal Canadiens’ situation after the Patrick Roy trade. Jocelyn Thibault, despite her efforts and her talent, could never fill the void left by Roy, and the team’s performance suffered over the years.

Similarly, 98.5 FM now seems adrift, desperate to find its way back without its figurehead.

Paul Arcand’s departure had a domino effect on the station. Distracted listeners are increasingly voicing their displeasure on social networks and discussion forums.

They feel betrayed by management, who failed to prepare for a smooth transition and seem to have accelerated the station’s decline by trying to replace key people with less popular choices.

“98.5 FM is not what it used to be. Management’s choices are incomprehensible.”

“We’ve lost our compass and everything seems to be falling apart.”

“Cogeco is destroying what used to be the best radio station in Quebec. All the changes they’ve made lately are mistakes. It’s getting harder to stay loyal.”

“It looks like GoJeco doesn’t understand its audience. Auditors don’t want change for change’s sake, they want quality. It’s a series of wrong decisions.”

“98.5 FM used to be an institution, but since Arcand left and McSween and MC Gilles were fired, it’s a real waste. Where has the spirit of this station gone?”

The situation is reminiscent of the Montreal Canadiens’ struggles after the departure of Patrick Roy. A team with a stellar reputation in the NHL has seen its performance decline, fans drift away, and the franchise loses its luster.

Paul Arcand is Patrick Roy. Patrick Lagace is…Jocelyn Thibault…

The presidents of Gogeco Media can be compared to the worst GM-coach duo the Montreal Canadiens have known in their entire history, Régene “Peanut” Houle and Mario Tremblay.

98.5 FM, once a bastion of Montreal radio, is following the same path. Ratings, once unshakable, are showing worrisome signs of weakness, and the station is struggling to retain its loyal audience.

Paul Arcand’s departure marked the end of a golden era for 98.5 FM. Like the Montreal Canadiens after Patrick Roy, the station finds itself in need of reinvention, but efforts so far have ended in failure.

The public, nostalgic, expresses its displeasure, and the figures chosen instead of myths fail to believe.

98.5 FM is at a pivotal moment in its history. Montreal radio’s line is teetering, and the question remains unanswered: Will it rise again and claim its place at the top, or are we witnessing the end of an era?

Only time will tell, but for now the signs are not encouraging.

They are also … disastrous. Like a monument falling down. Jocelyn Thibault should recognize herself in Patrick Lagasse as we speak…

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