Only bigger payments without cash.  For the first time in history, there will be a limit for customers

The Federation of Entrepreneurs and Employers, as a rule, is opposed to any artificial interference by the regulator In the catalog of payment methods accepted by entrepreneurs. The owners and employees of the companies themselves must determine which forms of payment will be accepted in a particular entity,” – comments ZPP in a note posted on its website.

There has never been such a limit before

It’s about changes in consumer rights law. From January 2023, the entry to be submitted to it will be added The obligation to make non-cash payments in the relations between the consumer and the entrepreneur, if the value of the transaction exceeds PLN 20,000. Today, the upper limit for cash transactions applies only to relationships between entrepreneurs – up to 15,000 PLN. zloty. However, from next year this limit will also change and will reach only eight thousand zlotys.

ZPP indicates that While the business is already accustomed to the maximum of entrepreneurs, it will be a complete revolution for the ordinary customers. “As of January 1, 2023, the legislator is preparing another major change For the first time in history, mandatory cashless payments will be introduced into transactions between consumers and businesses. – Comments on the relationship.

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He adds that cashless payments have already developed significantly in Poland. In this regard, we are at the forefront of Europe, and Polish customers have shifted from cash to intangible money through evolution. “Therefore, additional methods to support the development of non-cash payments using legal provisions turn out to be unnecessary,” – he says.

Older people may have a problem

ZPP also pays attention to the preferences of the elderly. He cites research by the Polish National Bank, which shows that in Poland, 47.3 percent. People prefer cashless payments, while 32.6 percent. Criticism is preferred. However, these numbers vary greatly when only older adults are considered. In the 55-64 age group, 48.1 percent. People prefer cash, and only 26.7 percent. Cashless payments are valued more. In contrast, among people over 65, 71.8 percent are already. of respondents want to pay in cash, and only 14.2 percent. – number.

Statistics also show that Despite advanced cashless payments, the value of cash in circulation is increasing year by year. At the end of 2020, it was 321.5 billion PLN, or 34.8 percent. over a year ago. “This means that the Poles do not want to part with material money” – experts argue.

“Cashless forms of payment are undoubtedly evolving dynamically, but many consumers still prefer cash – whether out of habit or other reasons (eg to protect privacy). Banknotes and coins issued by NBP It is a legal tender in Poland and we find no reason to limit its use artificially by regulations.” – He establishes the relationship.

The Business Center Club assesses this change in a similar vein. Michael Borowski, a BCC tax expert, in an interview with also emphasized that cash is legal tender in Poland, and introducing limits in transactions is an interference with civil liberties.

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