Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games |  Musician Says Celine Dion Doesn’t Lip Sync

Celine Dion’s performance on the Eiffel Tower was unanimous, unlike any other scene imagined by artistic director Thomas Jolly to highlight the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. However, some viewers believe she lip-synced to Lady Gaga and Aya Nakamura, two other stars of the festival.

In the interview Western France, the festival’s music director Victor Le Masne confirms that what we heard on this breathtaking number was indeed the diva’s voice. The plan was to use a pre-recorded vocal due to the diva’s health issues, “but she actually sang,” he assured.

Marketing of a record of this descriptionOde to Love “A very strong possibility”, revealed the composer in another interview with BFM TV. It also said that the artists rehearsed the number at the Eiffel Tower at 3am the day before the ceremony, without attracting anyone’s attention. Rumors led us to believe that the Quebec artist was going to sing instead La vie en rose In a duet with Lady Gaga.

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