Operation Charm to attract The White Lotus series to Quebec

Quebec would be a great shooting location for a new season White lotus, destination Quebec is quoted. A few days after the last episode of season 2 of the series about the hotel chain aired, the tour group tries out a glamorous operation with the producers.

“You want a hotel; We have the most photographed people in the world! Here’s the first argument launched by Robert Mercure, director of Destination Quebec, in a document sent to HBO series creator Mike White.

In addition to the charms of Château Frontenac, the “destination proposal” cites five more “reasons why Quebec is absolutely perfect. White lotus “: “a majestic river”, “an enchanting atmosphere”, especially the castles of old Quebec and its architecture, “the magic of winter”, “a wild nature” without forgetting the attractive exchange rate.

“We felt there was an opportunity to draw attention to our destination and promote it to potential producers. Quebec is simply magical. Grand. Historic. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Jewel and has the most photographed hotel in the world. What more can we say? Underlines Robert Mercure in a press release.

After Hawaii and Sicily, action White lotus Will it happen in Quebec? will continue.

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