Other than the sun that hasn’t been in years.  It will be very visible all over Poland

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This is what the solar eclipse of June 10 looked like in acceleration

We have been waiting for them since March 2015, when it was possible to observe a partial but very deep solar eclipse from Poland. After many years of interruption and a very shallow eclipse (the moon covered only a small part of the sun) in June 2021, the solar eclipse will again be visible from Poland.

There hasn’t been a similar solar eclipse for more than 7 years. Where do you see them?

October 25 this year. Our natural satellite will cover Earth from 32 to over 46 percent. The surface of our star’s disk. It will be possible to make notes from all over Poland and in very convenient notes hoursBecause it’s early in the afternoon. The next opportunity like this won’t happen until August 2027, when the sun will be covered by a similar or slightly smaller percentage than it is now. A year ago, the eclipse would occur just before sunset and its maximum phase would not be visible on the Vistula River.

This year’s eclipse for Polish observers may not be so spectacular, but it is clearly visible. The maximum will occur around noon – between 12:14 in the west and 12:26 in the east. In Warsaw, this phenomenon will begin to appear at 11:14, the maximum will be 12:23 and end at 13:33. It will take about 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete.

Remember to never look directly at the sun – more on that at the end of the text!

The best observation conditions will be in the northeastern part of Poland, especially in the Podlasie and Warmian-Masurian provinces. In Suwałki, the sun will be covered by about 46%, in Ełk and Biaystok at 45%, in Siedlce or Chełm at 43%, and in Warsaw we can count on less than 41.5%. covers. You’ll notice similar or slightly less deep coverage in Lublin (42%), Rzeszow (40%), Gdansk (41%) or لودód (39%).

The eclipse will also be visible elsewhere in the country, but the moon will cover the sun less. in Krakow We can count on less than 37.5 percent. It covers, 36.5% in Pozna, 35% in Wroclaw and Szczecin, and 34% in Zielona Gora. The inhabitants of Bogatinia will have the greatest misfortune in Poland, because our natural satellite will not cover even 32 percent there. solar disk.

Where will the solar eclipse be more visible? in Eastern Europe

The October eclipse will be partial, which means that nowhere on Earth will it be possible to observe the entire solar disk covered by the moon. It is recognized that at the moment of maximum cover, a very deep phase of the eclipse will appear, in places exceeding 80%, but only in Western Siberia and at a rather inopportune time. Near the cities of Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk in the Tyumen region Russia The degree of coverage before sunset will be about 82 percent.

However, the upcoming eclipse will be a unique opportunity to observe this phenomenon from most of Europe. The partial cover of our star today will be shown by the inhabitants of the entire continent, with the exception of the Iberian Peninsula. Outside of Europe, the eclipse will also be visible from the northern tip of Africa, western Asia, and even parts of the Indian Peninsula.

Observers from eastern and northeastern Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle East will have the best conditions for viewing the entire moon’s passage against the background of the sun’s disk. In Tbilisi, the moon will cover 58 percent. Sun disk (data of time and date), in Baku more than 60%, in Kharkov 57.5 percent and in Ankara 42 percent. Moving to the north, residents of Vilnius (over 49%), Moscow (63%), Tallinn (53%), Helsinki (54%) and Tromsø in northern Norway (more than 55.5%) will be distinguished. The further south and west it gets, the worse it gets.

There will be a very deep eclipse but only partially visible in Kazakhstan. Almaty will see about 70 percent, and Astana will see more than 78 percent. clouds, but the maximum will occur shortly before sunset, which makes this phenomenon difficult to observe. The daytime star will be very low on the horizon and will fall behind before the end of the eclipse. The same applies to the regions located north and south of Kazakhstan, for example in Bishkek (the capital of Kyrgyzstan).

How do we observe a solar eclipse? Only with a special filter

There are several ways to observe a solar eclipse, but we will describe them in a separate text. For now, we’ll limit ourselves to a warning not to look directly at the sun. Even attempts to observe our star with the naked eye are dangerous to sight. Looking at the sun through binoculars or even a small telescope can result in permanent damage or complete loss of vision. For this reason, all attempts by children to observe a solar eclipse should be supervised by adults.

Solar observations can only be done with dedicated solar filters (such as ND5 chips, which block more than 99.99% of light) or devices specially configured for observing the sun. Preferably under the supervision of someone experienced in this type of monitoring. Another visually safe way is to display the image of our star on cardboard or a piece of paper.

Soon we will write more about observing the solar eclipse on Gazeta.pl

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