Parker Solar Probe has recorded streaks from the sun.  A view like from Star Wars

The Parker Solar Probe has gone down in history as the ship that He flew near the sun. In 2021, she first scratched the sun’s corona, the atmosphere of our star. During this trip, many photos were taken and then put together into film material, which we now have the opportunity to see.

Photo: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Naval Research Laboratory

The rest of the shots are under the video window:

In the video, you can see the solar bands flying through the Parker Solar Probe. The lines look like scenes in the Star Wars movies where the ships were traveling at breakneck speed. These are the charged particles that the star ejects with the solar wind. Check it out in the video below.

So far, Parker Solar Probe has gotten as close to the sun as possible 4.89 million miles (about 7.87 million km). This record-breaking approach is planned for 2025. Then the ship will fly into the distance Approximately 3.83 million miles (about 6.16 million km) from our star.

At the same time, we invite you to listen to the latest episode of the podcast from a technical point of view. This time we talked about the growing electricity and nuclear energy prices near the Polish border and how many of us know that the reactor has been operating near Warsaw for decades.

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