Pascal Nadev says he was forced to retire, Radio-Canada denies

The former journalist and star of the TeleJournal published a letter in the pages of the Daily on Wednesday morning The sun (New window) In it she returns His departure from Radio-Canada was announced on August 5 After several months without waves.

Pascal Nado describes in his Missie an anonymous denunciation received by Radio-Canada a year ago. Comments made within the framework of [son] Work and [ses] Activities.

A complaint is forwarded to an external company upon receipt of a complaint, as provided in the Canada Labor Code. This lengthy investigation, I was never allowed to read the report, except for two small extracts, which ended nowhere, except for unsubstantiated or “partially established” allegations., Writes Pascale Nadeau.

33 years later, […] I have not received phone calls from my management to ask if there is any truth in these false allegations, She said.

The former antenna manager herself could not give further details because she had kept it secret. She revealed that she had been suspended without pay for a month and she had filed a petition against this permission. The arbitral tribunal must take place.

A woman Demanding

I’m not right. She said in her letter that I have a quality and that it can happen to me as moments of patience. It takes a lot of hardness to get the privilege of being an antenna. So I demand myself a lot, and I definitely have people on my team too.

I am not a case in point. I do not know the antenna manager that works differently, He added.

Pascal Nado confirms that she has this whole story Sick And what caused him to distance himself from the public broadcaster were not the deaths of his parents that took place a few weeks apart in 2019.

Through this investigation, Radio-Canada attacked my unity, he also wrote in his letter. To get back to work, I asked for a simple excuse and only to remove this stain from my file. Nothing else. But Radio-Canada did not apologize.

Radio-Canada offers its version

On Wednesday afternoon, Radio-Canada Information Director-General Lucy Julian reaffirmed in an interview with several journalists that Pascal Nadev had written to Radio-Canada expressing his desire to retire.

Pascal exit is a dismissal or constructive dismissal and underage, She insisted.

If there’s one thing I don’t like, this is what happens today. I absolutely did not want Pascal to return to the air [après son congé de maladie], She thought to herself I am very sorry for this situation .

This is a very difficult decision. Do not think that this is a witch hunt, He added, he has great respect for Ms. Nado.

The Chief Information Officer defends his decision: If I had closed my eyes to the findings of the report I would have failed in my duties as a manager.

In a press release issued Wednesday, Radio-Canada senior vice president Michael Bisonet promised to take into account the consequences of the decisions of all those involved.

These are not easy files to manage because they primarily involve humans. If action is required on the findings of the investigation, it will be considered at length and determined in consultation with many., he said.

Protect employees

Pascal Nado says Radio-Canada refused to apologize to him, which Luce Julian agreed to.

Respect the process [d’enquête] The staff involved in this process, I could not destroy everything, but I was ready to go with him when he returned [de congé maladie], She argued.

Due to the confidentiality of the investigation process, Radio-Canada did not provide any details about the content of the complaint filed and the results of the investigation. If confidentiality is not violated, these details will not be made public at a later date.

This confidentiality is intended to protect the reputation of the person targeted by a complaint, but should allow employees to express themselves confidently without the risk of retaliation. Furthermore, Luce Julian confirmed that he did not know the names of the persons involved in the investigation.

According to her expertise, the evaluator is the interviewer, not me [le comportement dénoncé] Is part of behaviors that are considered inappropriate, She clarified.

Radio-Canada also points out that the complaint Secret, but not anonymous And many more may be involved in the same complaint.

Such investigations are entrusted to external analysts by the Department of Human Resources and are recognized as expert and impartial. They include in-depth interviews with key people involved, but also witnesses nominated by both parties. The person affected by the complaint may be interviewed last and have the opportunity to respond to new allegations that arose during the process., Explained Michael Bisonet.

Zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior

In an interview, Loose Julian also stressed the importance given to zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior.

I care that all information workers work in a healthy environment, She said.

In her letter, Pascal Nado talks about the challenges she faces: stress, no room for error and less experienced resources to work on weekends.

Our antenna managers are under incredible pressure, but they are also team leaders, ”said Loose Julian. I have spoken many times on Radio-Canada about the healthy and peaceful climate.

This is not to say that employees do not know the rules of conduct, She insisted.

Comment shared by Michael Bisonnet. We have adopted a number of policies, practices, training and resources to address the concerns of our employees and to help resolve issues related to harassment, bullying or other inappropriate behavior in the workplace.

The union condemns Sentence approach

According to Syndicate des Communications de Radio-Canada, of which Pascal Dow was a member, President Pierre Ducignant could not comment on the merits of the controversy.

Offensive, insulting and unacceptable comments may have been made, but where were the managers? He asks. Managers are especially used to manage friction.

He points out the difference in treatment between managers and other employees when harassment or harassment complaints are filed, and such investigations are outsourced.

When it comes to an administrator, the administrator comes out white as snow, but not when it is an employee., He mentions.

As antenna manager, Pascal Nadev is not an administrator of the system.

Loos Julian and Stephanie Beeler, director of human resources at Radio-Canada, refute this view of Pierre Dosinet. The case of Pascal Nado is not isolated. Many executives lost their positions, but they were not known personalities, Explains Loose Julian.

As a union representative, Pierre Ducignant was unaware of the files of non-union people. [que sont les cadres], Adds Stephanie Baylor.

Pierre Ducinant admits that he has noticed an increase in the number of sanctions and the severity of protests over the past two years after investigations into the complaints.

According to him, Radio-Canada is the way to resolve conflicts between its employees does not work. We want to find other ways than a punitive approach to resolving disputes, He says.

Arbitration in Radio-Canada last autumn was not yet superficial, but it was part of the practice from January to consider a compromise before beginning an external investigation.

Make employees [impliqués] Have you agreed to a compromise? Compromise does not apply in all cases. I listen to the union, but honestly, [dans le cas de Pascale Nadeau], It would not have made a difference, Loose Julian believes.

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