Pass your matura exam with News.  We invite you to solve mock exam papers in Biology and Chemistry

Today, as part of the Passing Baccalaureate with News action, we are publishing Matura test papers in Biology and Chemistry at an expanded level.

Biology test papers were prepared by Dr. Krzysztof Kosinski, biology teacher at Secondary School I in Dubica.

View biology worksheets:

Matura Exam 2023 – Biology, A Level – Tables

In the final exam in biology, high school graduates should know, among other things: such issues:

  • cell divisions
  • energy and metabolism,
  • bacteria and archaea,
  • mushrooms, energy and metabolism,
  • diversity of flora and fauna,
  • Classic genetics
  • structure of carbohydrates, proteins and fats,
  • Principles of classification and methods of identification of organisms.

Chemistry exam papers were prepared by Kristina Barczeks, a chemistry teacher at Senior High School in Dubica.

See Chemistry Worksheets:

Matura Exam 2023 – Chemistry, Advanced Level – SHEETS

What will change in the chemistry exam in 2023?

– Changes in the exam requirements consist in simplifying and deleting certain points from the basic curriculum, – says the chemistry teacher. – Simplifications concern the removal of some specific content and skills of individual sections, which, however, may appear in the scope of the general content. For example, the classification of hydroxides by chemical nature was removed, but the design of experiments was left to prove the chemical nature of hydroxides.

He adds that in kinetics, the reaction rate plot against the time graph and reaction order graphs have been removed, but the analysis of experimental data showing the relationship between the concentration of substrates and reaction rate, explained by the kinetic equation, has been left. The writing of the amino acid condensation equations was also removed, and the writing of the di- and tripeptide formulas was left.

– The conclusion is that the simplification must be analyzed carefully, – points out Christina Barczeks.

The teacher points out that the most important omissions are:

  • The phenomenon of electrolysis and its applications in various chemical processes, corrosion of iron,
  • delete protein messages,
  • From the sugars section, the chemical structure and nature of glucose and fructose were kept, while complex sugars were eliminated,
  • Sections: Chemistry around us, and environment have been removed, but some of the content included here is found in other sections.

Publication schedule of experimental papers:

  • Thursday – Geography (advanced level),
  • Friday – History and Art (advanced level).

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