Patrice L’Écuyer is being prosecuted by CKMF management after providing 85 trips to Disney.

Famous presenter Patrice L’Écuyer returned to the show In the mediaThe unknown truth of his career.

In an interview with Marie-Louis Arsenal on the show In the media Aired Wednesday evening in Télé-Québec, L’Écuyer described how he split with CKMF bosses in the late 1990s.

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In an excerpt provided on social networks, host Quiet, let’s play! He explained that the over-generosity he showed towards the listeners of his radio show caused conflict with the CKMF management.

“At CKMF, it ended so badly. It ended up on the court,” L’Écuyer said.

“I was very, very salivating. Very Robin Hood.[…] People called. They were telling jokes. It was fun. Behold, we are going to send you to Disney with your family. 4 days at Disney. I have no right to give it to you, but if the radio does not give it to you, I will stop working next week. I can do it, ”added someone we knew at the time False inventors.

He admitted to giving people 85 trips to Disney that year.

Read more: Pascal Yakovakis looks back on the discomfort between Patrice Roy and himself during their broadcast.

After receiving a warning from management not to give anything to the station, L’Écuyer reportedly invited people to come and pick up the station’s furniture, which angered his bosses.

We understand them a little …

See also Back of Chips:

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