Screenplay like from Hollywood

Patrick Galewski is the prototype of the main character in the movie “Johnny” by Daniel Jaroshik.

– I did not believe that this scenario is based on facts. That a person like that is capable of being someone like this today. I could not believe that Patrick from the past exists – admits Daniel Jaruzick.

– I asked the screenwriter how far Patrick’s story was made up. For me, as an actor, this is an example of Hollywood history, a total hero transformation. It turns out that most of the scenes really happened – says Peter Trojan, who played Patrick in the movie “Johnny”.

In his youth, Galewski had 14 sentences to his credit.

– I don’t like going back to those memories. Those were the days of drinking and drugs. I smoked a lot of weed, sniffed amphetamines, inhaled benzene, butabrine, and ate hallucinogenic mushrooms. It was my everyday life – Galewsky recalls. And she adds: – I have many scars from self-mutilation, I cut myself regularly under the influence of drugs.

After another conviction, the court referred Patrick to Buck’s Hospice, which the father had set up. Jan Kachkowski. Galewski was supposed to work there 360 ​​hours of community service. As a volunteer, he had to take care of the terminally ill. He also started helping out in the kitchen.

– The priest gave me under my wing. The beginnings were difficult. He is mine and I am mine. Then Father Jean set it up, began to listen and wanted to act – he remembers the cook from caring for the elderly.

the father. Jan means love

Patrick is convinced that if he didn’t end up in hospice, he would probably be in prison by now.

I felt good in that life, I stayed in it because I didn’t know I could change it. I didn’t know anything else was there. I was sure this was my life, and this was the plan for me – Galewski recalls.

Patrick calls father. Jan Kaczkowski, his second father. He assures that he was with him always through thick and thin. He never let him down and pushed him to change. Patrick’s biological father was an alcoholic and recidivist.

Patrick took human attributes with the priest. He learned empathy, became sensitive to people. He was not indifferent to the fate of another human being. As a mother, I felt it and was very happy about it – says Ursula Zumanska, Patrick’s mother.


When Patrick meets David Ogrodnik on the set of “Johnny”, memories come back from the time of caring for the dying.

When I first saw David on the set, I saw Father John. His way of moving, gesturing and speaking. I felt faint. I had to sort it out for a while that it was David in the role of Jean, not the priest Jean, because he suddenly came back to me – says Patrick Galewski.

The Elderly Home Book is the greatest proof of what one person can achieve. Love and Empathy and what John also convinced me to do is that seriously and without deception, time is the most valuable thing we can give to another human being. When you start looking at life from this perspective, it takes on a completely different character, says David Ogrodnik, the actor who plays the father. Jan Kachkowski.

Puck Hospice was founded by the father. Jan Kaczkowski is also where Patryk Galewski met his wife. But their first meeting did not promise that that would happen.

– She looked at him with disapproval – recalls aneta Galewska with a smile.

After the wedding, the Galewski family moved to Hill, where Patrick is the chef at the famous Kutter Restaurant. His passion is cooking, and his signature dish is tenderloin – Father Jean’s favorite dish. Shanita Photographer. They work together on a cookbook.

– Jan died in April, and our Jacek was born in June. I remember the meeting where I told Jan that Shanita was pregnant and I was going to be a father. He said I had to be the best dad in the world or he would personally break my testicles – recalls Galewsky. He adds: – Jan is with me every day through the simplest things. When I say to my children, “I love you” and hear the same thing from them, this love, this is John.

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