PayDay 3 – the creators allow you to play the latest part of the shooting game for free.  what should be done?

PayDay 3 - the creators allow you to play the latest part of the shooting game for free.  what should be done?The continuation of the very warmly received co-op shooter series – PayDay – is fast approaching. From the beginning, it was created by the Swedish studio Overkill Software, which later became part of Starbreeze Studios. The first part has already been a huge success, as less than half a year after the premiere the creators announced that 700,000 copies had been sold. copies. The second part sells better. The next “three” have a chance to share the fate of their ancestors, and we can experience that now.

Beta tests for the third part of the PayDay game have begun. Thanks to this, from September 8 to September 11, 2023, everyone will be able to try it out completely free of charge.

PayDay 3 – the creators allow you to play the latest part of the shooting game for free.  what should be done?

PayDay 3 – We learned the hardware requirements for the upcoming game about criminals. You don’t need much to have fun

It is worth noting that the second part of the series sold 1.6 million copies after only one month of its release. Additionally, 80% of purchases were digital. The entire PayDay series revolves around a criminal group that spreads fear and robs banks. The player takes on the role of one of the members and tries to cooperate with the others to make the successful “jump”. The gameplay focuses on online multiplayer cooperation (although there is a single-player mode as well, but then the jobs of the rest of the team are taken over by bots), with everyone playing an important role in the operations. The third part will take us to New York, but the whole idea of ​​the game remains the same.

PayDay 3 - the creators allow you to play the latest part of the shooting game for free.  what should be done? [2]

PayDay 3 – A new trailer showing the hidden part of the game. To play, we will need a constant connection

In order to test the servers ahead of its live premiere, the creators have offered open beta tests to players, so everyone can now download the title for free. The launch price is set at 169 PLN, so the current opportunity to play might be a great opportunity to see if it’s worth making a purchase. To take advantage of the offer, all you have to do is go to the official website Steam website Click Request Access. We will be able to play the title right away. We can also take advantage of Xbox Insider Pack, which will also enable us to play the game. It is worth hurrying, because the testing period will end on September 11, 2023.

PayDay 3 - the creators allow you to play the latest part of the shooting game for free.  what should be done? [3]

Source: Starbreeze Studios

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