Pedronca gives out vouchers for “training” on consumer rights.  The total prize money is 7.5 million PLN

Ladybug It organizes training sessions during which participants can learn about their rights when buying in traditional stores. Completing the training will also allow you to get a shopping voucher worth 15 PLN. There is one to give up 500 A thousand bills totaling 7.5 million PLN.

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Pedronka gives training vouchers

To receive the voucher, you must complete the training and complete a test consisting of 10 questions. The exercises will take place in four dates. In each of them, you will receive the voucher 125 thousand. The people who took first place a path. A condition for the delivery of the voucher is also the provision of a phone number. One voucher is valid for one phone number.

Trainings will take place on the following dates:

  • September 20 2021
  • September 28, 2021
  • October 5, 2021
  • October 12, 2021

To participate in the training, please visit the site, Where you will be able to see the training materials. “Training participants will be able to learn about useful topics in everyday life while shopping at stores Fixed. The most important consumer rights will be explained: the right to information, the right to return, the right to complain about the goods. They will learn how a warranty differs from a warranty, as well as what the rules for complaining about merchandise in network stores look like Ladybug. – informs Pedronka.

Similar training in 2019 was so popular that vouchers sold out within three hours. 35 thousand and then the customers got vouchers worth 350 thousand. PLN, the volume of work was much smaller than this year’s edition.

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