Pensions and disability pensions were tied at 7% and the farmer got another 20 PLN.  KRUS explains why

On March 1, agricultural pensions and disability pensions were indexed. Unfortunately, many people are very disappointed with these increases. You can also see the voices of dissatisfied farmers in KRUS. The fund explains what the Mars Index for Pensions and Farm Pensions looked like and how much the benefits could increase.

– Pensions tied at 7%, the farmer received an additional 20 PLN. Perhaps the editorial office of the farmer will be interested in the latest reassessment of pensions from KRUS? – This content question appeared in one of our recent articles on agricultural pensions:

Pensions for farmers

It turned out that the voices of dissatisfied farmers reached the headquarters of KRUS itself. The fund explains what the Mars Index for Pensions and Farm Pensions looked like and how much it could increase the benefits.

The principles of agricultural pension valuation have not changed – KRUS confirms.

However, in In the past three years, the valuation was carried out on the basis of specially approved regulations and stipulated a guaranteed minimum increase for each pensioner..

this year The valuation is carried out on the basis of the applicable regulations specified in Art. 48a of December 20, 1990 Law on Farmers’ Social Insurance, and The minimum amount of the increase is not specified in the regulations.

From March 1, 2022, the amount of the basic pension increased by 7%, that is, from PLN 1.01363 to PLN 1.084.58.. The new amount of the basic pension is only the basis for determining the amount of the old-age / disability pension for an individual pensioner after standardization.

The amount of the pension / agricultural pension as of March 1, 2022 is determined by multiplying the amount of the basic pension of PLN 1,084.58 by the assessment index determined individually for each benefit (calculated and indicated in the decision to grant / transfer the benefit). In this way, as of March 1, 2022, all pension and disability pensions paid on February 28, 2022 (indexed) have been increased.

If, as a result of the increase (comparison), the amount of the benefit is less than the amount of the minimum employee pension (from March 1, 2022: PLN 1,338.44) – the Fund will increase it ex officio to the amount of PLN 1,338.44.

Up to PLN 1,338.44, the following will not be increased:

a) Annuities granted under Article. 19 Paragraph 2 of the Farmers’ Social Insurance (the so-called Early Agricultural Pensions) Act,

b) benefits, the payment of which has been suspended in accordance with Art. 28 or 34 of the Farmers’ Social Insurance Act, i.e. in relation to managing agricultural activity or earning income from work,

c) pensions and insurance pensions collected in conjunction with old-age or other social insurance pensions, if the sum of these benefits exceeds the amount of the minimum employee pension (also applies to receiving pensions from ZUS and KRUS at the same time), with the exception of survivors’ pensions Paid life in conjunction with a social pension,

d) Pro-rata retirement and disability pensions.

Example 1:

The former farmer has been receiving an inability to work agricultural pension since 2013.

The dimensions of the component part and the complementary part are 0.60 and 0.85, respectively. From March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022, the disability pension amounted to 1,513 PLN – a total of 0.65 PLN.

From March 1, 2022, the disability pension will increase to the amount of 1.572 x 64 PLN (contributory part – 0.60 PLN x 1,084.58, i.e. PLN 650 75 + supplementary part – 0.85 x 1084.58 PLN, i.e. PLN 921 89 grams).

Example 2:

The former farmer has been receiving an agricultural pension due to inability to work since 2016.

The dimensions of the component part and the complement part are respectively 0.10 and 0.95. From March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022, the disability pension – after increasing it to the lowest pension – amounted to 1250 PLN, the total amount being 88.

As of March 1, 2022, the disability pension will increase to the amount of PLN 1,338 in total PLN 0.44 (contributory part – 0.10 x PLN 1,084.58, that is PLN 10,846 + additional part – 0.95 x PLN 1,084.58, i.e. PLN 1030 35 grs = 1138 zlotys and 81 zlotys less than 1338 zlotys 44 grs – the lowest pension).

Companies based on KRUS

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