Perovskite Solar Cells Are Coming to Showrooms. New Solution Fights Biggest Problem

Ironically, one of the biggest advantages of perovskites is the low cost of the material itself. The problem is that one of the components – the one responsible for transporting the cargo – is no longer so cheap. Quite the opposite: the high costs of its production make the introduction of this technology on a sufficiently large scale seem far-fetched.

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Given the fact that perovskite is considered the most realistic alternative to silicon, we get a less optimistic picture of the situation. Its creators write about how it can be improved and why the proposed solution has great potential. Energy materials and devices.

The research team argues that they know how to make perovskite solar cells economically attractive. To achieve this goal, a reliable way to produce the hole-transporting material is needed. The Chinese have allegedly found it and are happy to share it with the world.

Perovskite solar cells could be much cheaper than they are today thanks to the use of a cheaper material responsible for transporting charges.

More specifically, they present three different possibilities. They argue that each variant has been designed and synthesized correctly, which, of course, ensures a satisfactory final effect. The authors agree on one thing: thanks to the solution they have come up with, perovskites have the potential to surpass current standards in terms of solar cell efficiency at relatively low costs.

In all three cases, the stated goal was to increase the crystallinity and solubility of the molecules. These aspects play a key role in the context of efficient hole transport in perovskite cells. The measured power conversion efficiency was 24 percent, a very good result between perovskite designs and their superior silicon counterparts.

Read also: This is where photovoltaics pay off faster. Outperforming standard installations.

The simultaneous reduction in the production costs of perovskite-based cells while maintaining or even increasing the current efficiency is the main evidence. It confirms that photovoltaics can also exist without silicon. Perovskite is certainly cheaper than this element and offers a wide range of operation due to its ability to absorb many solar radiation bands.

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