In a few hours we will witness one of the most common astronomical phenomena. Meteors from the Perseid swarm will fly over our heads. Unfortunately, the weather is not good for everyone at night. Check out where IMGW forecasters expect the best conditions.
Friday to Saturday night is “starry night”. The weather forecast said that the best conditions for viewing the maximum of the Perseid swarm will be in the north of the country IMGW Ilona Baziluk. Under ideal conditions, you can see up to 100 meteors falling per hour. But this time, the observations will be made more difficult by the moon, which was very full Thursday night. This does not mean, however, that we do not have a chance to see “falling stars”.
– At night from Friday to Saturday, the best conditions for viewing a “star meteor” will be in the north of the country, where cloud cover will be low. In the west of the country, cloud cover will be moderate and you will also be able to enjoy meteors, although the weather conditions will not be favorable – she said. “In the center, south and east, it will be cloudy all night and it will be difficult to see a ‘meteor’ in those areas,” she added.
Perseids – what is it?
Meteorites, colloquially known as a meteor, are phenomena that occur when they fly through the atmosphere of rock particles from space, called meteorites. The vast majority of them are destroyed in the atmosphere. Very bright meteorites are called poly, and if the rocks that flew in the atmosphere managed to survive and reach the surface of the Earth, then we will be dealing with a meteorite.
Perseids are the remnants of Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, which appears near the sun once every 133 years. Each visit causes the comet’s ice core to partially melt, releasing a large number of small rocky debris. When the Earth passes through a cloud of cosmic dust, the crumbs burn in the atmosphere, accompanied by a characteristic flare.
You don’t need binoculars or binoculars to monitor it. It is better to choose a place where you can see a large part of the sky away from the city light. The rule is simple – the darker the area, the better.
There are many superstitions associated with the Perseids. Previously they were called the tears of the saint. Lawrence, who was martyred around August 10. In some cultures it was believed that each meteor heralded the death of a human being. There is also a superstition that makes you make a wish when you see a shooting star.
August night sky – where to look for the Perseid swarmMarta Sitkiewicz – PAP / DPA
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