Philip Brach |  The rare bird is back

After more than five years without releasing new music and three and a half years of silence, Philipp Brach makes an unexpected comeback. People we loveThe fourth album might be the last… or not.

When the singer-songwriter announced the imminent arrival of a new album a few weeks ago, many believed it was a hoax that only he had a secret about.

“Okay yeah I know, a lot of people thought I was still trolling. But it would have been so cheap to do a quick job like that and not come back! Especially since I’ve been getting messages for a while asking what I’m doing if I’m okay.”

The answer is yes, Philipp Brach is fine. We met him earlier in the week at a restaurant on Rue Beaubien and were laughing and in good spirits. Happy to talk, but the rare, independent and elusive bird has set his conditions: interviews will be few and far between, and he’s happy because, so far, “it’s balanced well”.

“I will try to come back and not feel like screaming my camp after a week. »

Originally from Falardeau in Saguenay, Philippe Brach always knew he wouldn’t spend his life in Montreal. He is now settled “deep in the jungle” in Haute-Laurentides, where he works in local community organizations. We haven’t seen much of him in recent years, but he hasn’t “really stopped,” continuing to write and compose music and direct and produce other projects. He also continued to be involved in the organization of the La Noce Festival in Saguenay.

Photo by Martin Chamberland, The Press

Philip Brach

I gave up on interviews, atmosphere, galas… my music career, really. I didn’t really want to come back, but I had this feeling inside me. It was a sad show only. For others, I don’t miss it.

Philip Brach

Philip Brach was convinced that he was not going to publish anything “before a crisis from the end.” Until last November, on a whim, he decided to record songs written in the past two years. After setting a very tight schedule, he called his record company and the process began.

“The first known people were the ones who created the cover and magazine photos. Musicians were notified three weeks in advance. We went into the studio on the 9th of January, everything was done on the 9th of February and it’s coming out in March. »

Isn’t there something odd about working so hard after so many years of nothing? “That’s great! It’s: Oh shit, we’re in front of a canyon. I love it, building in front of a rock. I find it really funny. »

Produced once again with his friend Gabriel Desjardins, fans won’t be disappointed with this new album, which features some really good bands. Comedy, but more breathing.

He contented himself with lyrics, often with very short texts. The title track has only one sentence: “All the people we love are going to die”. The best he’s ever written, he believes.

“I already had a lot of business-telling vibes to tell a business. There I saw packing, cutting three-quarters of the tune to get straight to the point. »


Still engrossed in the work, the singer-songwriter struggles to see the common thread of his album. We told him that we had the impression that he was more turned towards others and that he was looking at the world as if he was trying to find something positive in it. He nods.

After three shit-dark OST albums, I told myself I wouldn’t come back with a fourth album that would sometimes go into the same areas.

Philip Brach

As a result I turned less and more towards others – diptych You want to kill yourself, don’t you? And I am seeing Especially touching. This is partly, he believes, because he has never seen so many people since he left the city.

“When I was in Montreal, I was locked in my apartment all day. I made three albums without seeing anyone. It really depends on the people, I think I should have met some of them! »

However, it has the impression that it is more pleasant to listen to than its predecessor. Silence of the Flocks. After three albums made over five years, People we love It marks the beginning of a new era for him. What do we want for him?

I dream that it will be well received, but I don’t have to go to Galas. Whatever happens happens, but I want the world to see me on the road because that’s what keeps me traveling.

Philip Brach

Philipp Brach will spend the summer in the woods and lakes, then tour again for a year and a half from the fall. And then? Who knows.

“If it’s another album, it’ll be another tour. Or maybe I’ll become a ghost again. But it’s two years now, two months ago and I’m not even in the studio yet. It’s hard to predict. »

People we love


People we love

Philip Brach

Fawn House

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