Photovoltaics and wind.  How long will the solar panels last?

The solar farm works poorly in winter. However, it is important that it lasts until spring. Strong winds over Poland may worry PV owners. How strong wind will the solar panels withstand?

Owners may have less reason to be satisfied Photovoltaic installations. Large-area panels are combined into large-sized roofs – and a 10 kW installation over 45 sq m. Although a distance of about 2 cm is maintained between successive modules, the force with which the wind affects the panels can be significant.

The future of photovoltaics?  It's a new way to store electricity

The future of photovoltaics? It’s a new way to store electricity

Wind resistance of photovoltaic cells

The power of the hardware that composes it photovoltaic installation Specified in IEC 61730-2. It specifies that the photovoltaic panels must withstand at least 2,400Pa of wind absorption. This means that it can withstand wind speeds of about 130 kilometers per hour.

photovoltaic cells So it is very difficult in this regard. According to information from, on February 19, 2022, the strongest winds will blow at a speed of about 60 kilometers per hour with gusts of just over 100 kilometers per hour. This is how quickly the solar panels should not be damaged.

They are impersonating a government program.  Never tell them that

They are impersonating a government program. Never tell them that

However, it must be remembered that much depends on the quality of the assembly, as well as local conditions. For example, local architecture may affect strong winds, so you need to take into account that the winds in our backyard may be stronger than the weather forecast says.

How do we prevent panels from being damaged by wind?

Difficult to point out a method that will provide photovoltaic installation against the wind. It would seem that the simplest rule is to maintain certain distances from the edge of the roof – this reduces the risk of damage to the installation by strong gusts of wind.

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